ITINERIS coordinates a network of national nodes from 22 RIs; the Italian nodes of the ESFRI Landmarks ACTRIS, EMSO, Euro-Argo, ICOS and LIFEWATCH, from the ENV domain and ANAEE from the H&F domain and closely linked to the ENV domain; the Italian nodes of the ESFRI projects DANUBIUS, DISSCO, e-LTER, from the ENV domain, and EMPHASIS and EU-IBISBA from the H&F domain and also relevant for ENV; the EU RIs ECORD, EUFAR, Eurofleets, JERICO and SIOS, all from the ENV domain; and the national RIs ATLAS, CeTRA, Laura Bassi, and SMINO, from the ENV domain, and Geosciences and LNS, both from the PSE domain, that in ITINERIS support services in the marine domain.