Home » WP1: Coordination management

WP1: Coordination management

WP Leader: Gelsomina Pappalardo (CNR – Istituto di Metodologia per l’Analisi Ambientale)

WP1 is responsible to oversee the coordination and management of the entire ITINERIS project, ensuring its efficiency, quality control and regulatory obligation. To effectively manage such a large project, a coordination office will be established, led by the Infrastructure Manager, and staffed with personnel possessing the necessary technical, management, and financial skills. The coordination office manages day-to-day operation and communication with stakeholders. Additionally, it establishes and maintains the project web portal and the internal tools to facilitate information exchange among partners and communication activities towards stakeholders and the public throughout the project duration.

Major Objectives

  • Ensure adequate coordination and management of all the project work packages in all scientific, technical, administrative and financial matters and the day-to-day management tasks and the liaison with its Consortium partners, and implement appropriate quality control measures for monitoring the progress of the project activities;
  • Ensure efficient the information flow within the project partners and with the partners, scientific community, and end-users /stakeholders through regular project meetings and project web portal.