Home » WP4: Atmosphere

WP4: Atmosphere

WP Leader: Lucia Mona – (CNR – Istituto di Metodologia per l’Analisi Ambientale)

The main objective of the WP4 is to integrate research infrastructures (RIs) operating in the atmospheric domain through synergistic approaches and cross-boundary developments, fostering linkages with extra-RI atmospheric data and services. This integration will promote the establishment of a national integrated system for atmospheric observations, to address current national and international open issues on atmospheric processes, including pollution, and their impacts on several sectors, from climate change to human health, to agriculture and renewable energy production. Hot topics in the atmospheric domains will be addressed as Pilot services: their achievements will demonstrate the added value of such a synergistic approach, paving the way for further developments.

Major Objectives

  • Integration and harmonization within the Italian Network of Environment RIs;
  • Pilot service on Aerosol types and sources;
  • Pilot service on Planetary Boundary Layer height and its impact on aerosol and trace gases concentration at ground;
  • Pilot service on impact of natural and anthropic fires on atmospheric composition.