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A three-year free-air experimental assessment of ozone risk on the perennial Vitis vinifera crop species    Environmental Pollution;                    

Bárbara Baesso Moura, Jacopo Manzini, Elena Paoletti. Yasutomo Hoshika;

Grape, visible foliar injury, FACE, critical level, surface ozone pollution.


Impacts of ground-level ozone on sugarcane production;

Science of the Total Environment;

Alexander W. Cheesman, Flossie Brown, Mst Nahid Farha, Thais M. Rosan,  Gerd A. Folberth, Felicity Hayes, Barbara B. Moura, Elena Paoletti,  Yasutomo Hoshika, Colin P. Osborne, Lucas A. Cernusak, Rafael V. Ribeiro, Stephen Sitch;

Bioenergy,  Tropospheric,  O3,  JULES,  Air pollution,  Brazil 2023.


Functional responses of two Mediterranean pine species in an ozone Free-Air Controlled Exposure (FACE) experiment;

Tree Physiology;                        

Yasutomo Hoshika, Lorenzo Cotrozzi, Olga Gavrichkova, Cristina Nali, Elisa Pellegrini, Andrea Scartazza, Elena Paoletti;

ent;isotopic analysis, mesophyll conductance, photosynthesis.2023.


Exploring a New O3 Index as a Proxy for the Avoidance/Tolerance Capacity of Forest Species to Tolerate O3 Injury            Forests;

Jacopo Manzini, Yasutomo Hoshika, Barbara Baesso Moura, Elena Paoletti; 

air pollution; flux-based index; ground-level O3; PODy; visible foliar injury 2023;


Chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosols at a high-altitude mountain site: a study of source apportionment;

EGUsphere [preprint];

Elena Barbaro, Matteo Feltracco, Fabrizio De Blasi, Clara Turetta, Marta Radaelli, Warren Cairns, Giulio Cozzi, Giovanna Mazzi, Marco Casula, Jacopo Gabrieli, Carlo Barbante, Andrea Gambaro;

Aerosol composition, source apportionment, air masses, high mountain2023.

https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-2346, 2023

Quantification and Chemical Characterization of Plastic Additives and Small Microplastics (<100 μm) in Highway Road Dust; 


Beatrice Rosso, Barbara Bravo, Elena Gregoris, Carlo Barbante, Andrea Gambaro, Fabiana Corami;

small microplastics; plastic additives; road dust; tires; micro-FTIR2023.        


Airborne bacteria viability and air quality: a protocol to quantitatively investigate the possible correlation by an atmospheric simulation chamber;         

Atmos. Meas. Tech.;

Virginia Vernocchi, Elena Abd El, Marco Brunoldi, Silvia Giulia Danelli, Elena Gatta, Tommaso Isolabella, Federico Mazzei, Franco Parodi, Paolo Prati, and Dario Massabò;

bioaerosol, bacteria, atmospheric simulation chamber 2023.



Generation of multi-layered protein bodies in N. benthamiana for the encapsulation of vaccine antigen  

Jennifer Schwestka, Lukas Zeh, Marc Tschofen, Fabian Schubert, Elsa Arcalis, Maria Esteve Gassent, Emanuela Pedrazzini, Alessandro Vitale, Eva Stöger   



Genealogical tracing of Olea europaea species and pedigree relationships of var. europaea using chloroplast and nuclear markers             

Mariotti R, Belaj A, de la Rosa R, Muleo R, Cirilli M, Forgione I, Valeri MC, Mousavi S           



Drought responsiveness in six wheat genotypes: identification of stress resistance indicators             

Guizani A, Askri H, Amenta ML, Defez R, Babay E, Bianco C, Rapanà N, Finetti-Sialer M, Gharbi F      



Bioactive Metabolite Survey of Actinobacteria Showing Plant Growth Promoting Traits to Develop Novel Biofertilizers           

Faddetta T, Polito G, Abbate L, Alibrandi P, Zerbo M, Caldiero C, Reina C, Puccio G, Vaccaro E, Abenavoli MR, Cavalieri V, Mercati F, Palumbo Piccionello A, Gallo G



Breeding effects on durum wheat traits detected using GWAS and haplotype block analysis            

Taranto F, Esposito S, Fania F, Sica R, Marzario S, Logozzo G, Gioia T, De Vita P



Glycoside hydrolases from (hyper)thermophilic archaea: structure, function, and applications

Iacono R, De Lise F, Moracci M, Cobucci-Ponzano B, Strazzulli A.         



Novel GH109 enzymes for bioconversion of group A red blood cells to the universal donor group O       

Curci N, Iacono R, Segura DR, Cillo M, Cobucci-Ponzano B, Strazzulli A, Leonardi A, Giger L, Moracci M.           



Archaea as a Model System for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

De Lise F, Iacono R, Moracci M, Strazzulli A, Cobucci-Ponzano B.         



Coastal Biodiversity Assessment Aided by Citizen Science Volunteers: A Look at the Italian Central Adriatic.

Compagnone F., Varricchione M., Innangi, M., Di Febbraro M., Loy A., Stanisci A., de Francesco M.C., Matteucci G., Carranza M.L.               



A synthesis of multi-taxa management experiments to guide forest biodiversity conservation in Europe.       

Tinya F., Doerfler I., De Groot M., et al, incluso Matteucci G., ultimo nome Ódor P. (45 autori)       



Where are we now with European forest multi-taxon biodiversity and where can we head to?

Burrascano S., Chianucci F., Trentanovi G. et al, incluso Matteucci G., ultimo nome Ódor P. (137 autori)           



Upside down and the game of C allocation.          

Rezaie N., D’Andrea E., Scartazza A., Gričar J., Prislan P., Calfapietra C., Battistelli A., Moscatello S., Proietti S., Matteucci G.       



Above- and belowground interplay: Canopy CO2 uptake, carbon and nitrogen allocation and isotope fractionation along the plant-ectomycorrhiza continuum.               

Scartazza A., Sbrana C., D’Andrea E., Matteucci G., Rezaie N., Lauteri M.



Metabarcoding data reveal vertical multi-taxa variation in topsoil communities during the colonization of deglaciated forelands

Guerrieri, A. Carteron, A. Bonin, S. Marta, R. Ambrosini, M. Caccianiga, I. Cantera, C. Compostella, G.A. Diolaiuti, D. Fontaneto, L. Gielly, F. Gili, M. Gobbi, J. Poulenard, P. Taberlet, A. Zerboni, W. Thuiller and G.F. Ficetola




Toward a common set of functional traits for soil protists            

Giachello, I. Cantera, A. Carteron, S. Marta, C. Cipriano, A. Guerrieri, A. Bonin, W. Thuiller and G.F. Ficetola



Heterogeneous changes of soil microclimate in high mountains and glacier forelands        

Marta, A. Zimmer, M. Caccianiga, M. Gobbi, R. Ambrosini, R.S. Azzoni, F. Gili, F. Pittino, W. Thuiller, A. Provenzale and G.F. Ficetola



Vegetation response to droughts: the case of northern Italy.      

Baronetti, A., Menichini, M. and Provenzale, A.    



NDVI Analysis for Monitoring Land-cover Evolution on Selected Deglaciated Areas in the Gran Paradiso Group (Western Italian Alps)

Gennaro, S., Cerrato, R., Salvatore, M.C., Salzano, R., Salvatori, R., Baroni, C.



Observing Mineral Dust in Northern Africa, the Middle East, and Europe: Current Capabilities and Challenges ahead for the Development of Dust Services.

Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 104, E2223–E2264,  https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0005.1, 2023.



Lo Smart Working come opportunità di cambiamento e strumento di gestione della crisi nella PA, Azienda Pubblica

pp. 225-251, DOI: 10.30448/AP.2023.2.04, 2023. 

 Badia, Francesco; Ricciardelli, Alessandra; Ricciardi, Francesca         

DOI: 10.30448/AP.2023.2.04


Innovation dynamics for the transition to sustainable food systems. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1323880.

Di Fiore, G., Carloni, E., & Siggia, D.             



Household Food Waste Awareness in Relation to Motivations. Sustainability

15(15), 11582. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151511582 (2023).   

Giordano, C., Di Fiore, G., Alboni, F., Carloni, E., Rivaroli, S., & Falasconi, L



Uncertainties on climate extreme indices estimated from U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) near-surface temperatures. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

128, e2022JD038057. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD038057, 2023. 

Madonna, F., Essa, Y. H., Marra, F., Serva, F., Gardiner, T., Sarakhs, F. K., Tramutola, E. and Rosoldi, M.:         



Comparison of dust optical depth from multi-sensor products and MONARCH (Multiscale Online Non-hydrostatic AtmospheRe CHemistry) dust reanalysis over North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, Atmos. Chem. Phys.

23, 5487–5516,

https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-5487-2023, 2023


Mytilinaios, M., Basart, S., Ciamprone, S., Cuesta, J., Dema, C., Di Tomaso, E., Formenti, P., Gkikas, A., Jorba, O., Kahn, R., Pérez García-Pando, C., Trippetta, S., and Mona



Aeolus winds impact on volcanic ash early warning systems for aviation. Sci Rep

13, 7531,        

Amiridis, V., Kampouri, A., Gkikas, A., Misios, S., Gialitaki, A., Marinou, E., Rennie, M., Benedetti, A., Solomos, S., Zanis, P., Vasardani, O., Eleftheratos, K., Paschou, P., Georgiou, T., Scollo, S., Mona, L., Papagiannopoulos, N., Retscher, C., Parrinello T., & Straume A. G.    



Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height: Inter-Comparison of Different Estimation Approaches Using the Raman Lidar as Benchmark. Remote Sens.

15, 1381.              

Summa, D.; Vivone, G.; Franco, N.; D’Amico, G.; De Rosa, B.; Di Girolamo, P.



Atmospheric boundary layer height from ground-based remote sensing: a review of capabilities and limitations, Atmos. Meas. Tech

 16, 433–479, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-16-433-2023, 2023.

Kotthaus, S., Bravo-Aranda, J. A., Collaud Coen, M., Guerrero-Rascado, J. L., Costa, M. J., Cimini, D., O’Connor, E. J., Hervo, M., Alados-Arboledas, L., Jiménez-Portaz, M., Mona, L., Ruffieux, D., Illingworth, A., and Haeffelin, M.:



Validation of the TROPOMI/S5P aerosol layer height using EARLINET lidars, Atmos. Chem. Phys

23, 1919–1940, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-1919-2023, 2023. 

Michailidis, K., Koukouli, M.-E., Balis, D., Veefkind, J. P., de Graaf, M., Mona, L., Papagianopoulos, N., Pappalardo, G., Tsikoudi, I., Amiridis, V., Marinou, E., Gialitaki, A., Mamouri, R.-E., Nisantzi, A., Bortoli, D., João Costa, M., Salgueiro, V., Papayannis, A., Mylonaki, M., Alados-Arboledas, L., Romano, S., Perrone, M. R., and Baars, H



Atmospheric Thermodynamic Profiling through the Use of a Micro-Pulse Raman Lidar System: Introducing the Compact Raman Lidar

MARCO. Sensors 2023, 23, 8262. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23198262.            

Di Girolamo, P.; Franco, N.; Di Paolantonio, M.; Summa, D.; Dionisi, D.


“Volcanic emissions, plume dispersion, and downwind radiative impacts following mount etna series of eruptions of february 2126, 2021,”

Journal of Geophysical Research:

Atmospheres, vol. 128, no. 6, p. e2021JD035974,


Sellitto, G. Salerno, S. Corradini, I. Xueref-Remy, A. Riandet, C. Bellon, S. Khaykin, G. Ancellet, S. Lolli, E. J. Welton, A. Boselli, A. Sannino, J. Cuesta, H. Guermazi, M. Eremenko, L. Merucci, D. Stelitano, L. Guerrieri, and B. Legras,


Semi-automated template matching and machine-learning based analysis of the August 2020 Castelsaraceno microearthquake sequence (southern Italy)      

Panebianco, V. Serlenga, C. Satriano, F. Cavalcante, T.A. Stabile



Soil-building resonance effect in the urban area of Villa d’Agri (Southern Italy)              

Gangone, M.R. Gallipoli, N. Tragni, L. Vignola, R. Caputo



Investigation of the Geological Structure of the Tramutola Area (Agri Valley): Inferences for the Presence of Geofluids at Shallow Crustal Levels     

Olita, V. Giampaolo, E. Rizzo, G. Palladino, L. Capozzoli G. De Martino, G. Prosser



Towards specific T–H relationships: FRIBAS database for better characterization of RC and URM buildings     

M.R. Gallipoli, B. Petrovic, G. Calamita, N. Tragni, C. Scaini, C. Barnaba, M. Vona, S. Parolai



Integrated geophysical and geological surveys reveal new details of the large Montescaglioso (southern Italy) landslide of December 2013  

Calamita, M.R. Gallipoli, E. Gueguen, R. Sinisi, V. Summa, L. Vignola, TA Stabile, J Bellanova, S Piscitelli, A Perrone



The Statistical Fingerprint of Fluid-Injection Operations on Microseismic Activity at the Val d’Agri Oil Field (Southern Italy)  

T.A. Stabile, L. Telesca           



An Integrated Geophysical and Unmanned Aerial Systems Surveys for Multi-Sensory, Multi-Scale and Multi-Resolution Cave Detection: The Gravaglione Site (Canale di Pirro Polje, Apulia)           

Romano, L. Capozzoli, N. Abate, M. De Girolamo, I. S. Liso, D. Patella, M. Parise



Plant Physiological analysis to overcome limitations to plant phenotyping     

Haworth M., Marino G., Atzori G., Fabbri A., Daccache A., Killi D., Carli A., Montesano V., Conte A., Balestrini R., Centritto M.          



The functional significance of the stomatal size to density relationship: Interaction with atmospheric [CO2] and role in plant physiological behaviour              

Haworth M., Marino G., Materassi A., Raschi A., Scutt C.P. & Centritto M.



Comparing actual transpiration fluxes as measured at leaf-scale and calculated by a physically based agro-hydrological model    

Sobhani A., Hassan S.B.M., Dragonetti G., Balestrini R., Centritto M., Coppola A. & Comegna A.             



Interaction with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana influences tomato phenome and promotes resistance to Botrytis cinerea infection         

Russo, Assunta; Winkler, Jana Barbro; Ghirardo, Andrea; Monti, Maurilia M.; Pollastri, Susanna; Ruocco, Michelina; Schnitzler, Joerg-Peter; Loreto, Francesco              



Volatilome and proteome responses to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum infection in a moderately resistant and a susceptible bean genotype  

Monti, Maurilia M.; Mancini, Ilaria; Gualtieri, Liberata; Domingo, Guido; Beccaccioli, Marzia; Bossa, Rosanna; Bracale, Marcella; Loreto, Francesco; Ruocco, Michelina



Trichoderma harzianum Volatile Organic Compounds Regulated by the THCTF1 Transcription Factor Are Involved in Antifungal Activity and Beneficial Plant Responses     

Rubio, Maria Belen; Monti, Maurilia Maria; Gualtieri, Liberata; Ruocco, Michelina; Hermosa, Rosa; Monte, Enrique     



Beauveria bassiana rewires molecular mechanisms related to growth and defense in tomato     

Proietti, Silvia; Falconieri, Gaia Salvatore; Bertini, Laura; Pascale, Alberto; Bizzarri, Elisabetta; Morales-Sanfrutos, Julia; Sabido, Eduard; Ruocco, Michelina; Monti, Maurilia M.; Russo, Assunta; Dziurka, Kinga; Ceci, Marcello; Loreto, Francesco; Caruso, Carla



Pulsed Thermography as a Reliable Tool to Detect Presymptomatic Stages of Botrytis cinerea Infection in Plants

Rippa, Massimo; Del Regno, Carmine; Cappetta, Elisa; Russo, Assunta; Mele, Francesca; Curcio, Rossella; De Rosa, Anna; Leone, Antonietta; Mormile, Pasquale; Ruocco, Michelina; Ambrosone, Alfredo          



Preliminary evaluation of gas-exchange parameters as drought tolerance indicators for phenotyping durum wheat genotypes        

Gualtieri, Liberata; Monti, Maurilia Maria; Ruocco, Michelina; Brilli, Federico; Danzi, Donatella; Petrozza, Angelo; Summerer, Stephan; Pignone, Domenico; Loreto, Francesco     



Phenotyping volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by plants     

Russo, Assunta; Monti, Maurilia Maria; Ruocco, Michelina; Loreto, Francesco



Agroecosystems and Potential Adaptation Strategies     

Semeraro, T.; Scarano, A.; Leggieri, A.; Calisi, A.; De Caroli, M.



Alien and native species in Italian marine and transitional waters         

Di Muri, C.; Lazic, T.; Rosati, I.; Pierri, C.; Boggero, A.; Corriero, G.; Basset, A.



An integrated individual-level trait-based phytoplankton dataset from transitional waters

Laraib, M.; Titocci, J.; Rosati, I.; Basset, A.



Integrating R in a Distributed Scientific Workflow via a Jupyter-Based Environment 

L. Marra, D. B. Henkemans, J. Titocci, S. Koulouzis, I. Rosati and Z. Zhao

DOI: 10.1109/e-Science58273.2023.10254945


The validation case on invasive crustaceans of the LifeWatch ERIC Internal Joint Initiative: State of the art and next steps forward

DI MURI, Cristina; Arvanitidis, Christos; Basset, Alberto; De Giorgi, Raffaele; Rosati, Ilaria; Vaira, Lucia; Mancinelli, Giorgio      



Ontology Repositories and Semantic Artefact Catalogues with the OntoPortal Technology    

Clement Jonquet, John Graybeal, Syphax Bouazzouni, Michael Dorf, Nicola Fiore, Xeni Kechagioglou, Timothy Redmond, Ilaria Rosati, Alex Skrenchuk, Jennifer L. Vendetti, Mark Musen & members of the OntoPortal Alliance   



Standards and Open Access are the ICOS Pillars Reply to “Comments on ‘The Integrated Carbon Observation System in Europe'”          

Papale, D., Heiskanen, J., Brümmer, C., Buchmann, N., Calfapietra, A., Carrara, C., Chen, H., Gielen, B., Gkritzalis, T., Hammer, S., Hartman, S., Herbst, M., Janssens, I.A., Jordan, A., Juurola, E., Karstens, U., Kasurinen,, V., Kruijt, B., Lankreijer, H., Levin, I., Linderson, M.-L., Loustau, D., Merbold, L., Lund Myhre, C., Pavelka,M., Pilegaard, K., Ramonet, M., Rebmann, C., Rinne, J., Rivier, L., Saltikoff, E., Sanders, R., Steinbacher, M., Steinhoff, T., Watson, A., Vermeulen, A.T., Vesala, T., Vítková, G., Kutsch, W.       



Temperature dependence of emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from litters collected in two Mediterranean ecosystems determined before the flaming phase of biomass burning   

Negar Rezaie, Emanuele Pallozzi, Paolo Ciccioli, Carlo Calfapietra, Silvano Fares



Long-term data prove useful to keep track of non-indigenous seaweed fate   

Petrocelli A., Wolf M.A., Sciuto K., Sfriso A., Rubino F., Ricci P., Cecere E.       



Screening of Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) lipidic extract as a new potential source of antibacterial and antioxidant compounds   

Stabili L., Acquaviva M.I., Cecere E., Gerardi C., Petrocelli A., Fanizzi F.P., Angilè F., Rizzo L.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ jmse11112072


Characterization of ultrafine particles and the occurrence of new particle formation events in an urban and coastal site of the Mediterranean area        

A Dinoi, D Gullì, K Weinhold, I Ammoscato, CR Calidonna, A Wiedensohler, D Contini. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-2167-2023


Characterisation of the correlations between oxidative potential and in vitro biological effects of PM10 at three sites in the central Mediterranean

Guascito M.R., Lionetto M.G., Mazzotta F., Conte M, Giordano M.E., Caricato R., De Bartolomeo A.R., Dinoi A., Cesari D., Merico E., Mazzotta L., Contini D.



Concentration and size distribution of atmospheric particles in southern Italy during COVID-19 lockdown period

M Conte, A Dinoi, FM Grasso, E Merico, MR Guascito, D Contini



Apoptotic volume decrease (AVD) in A549 cells exposed to water-soluble fraction of particulate matter (PM10)            

E. Giordano, G. Udayan, M. R. Guascito, A. R. De Bartolomeo, A. Carlino, M. Conte, D. Contini, M. G. Lionetto



Central Mediterranean tephrochronology between 313 and 366 ka: New insights from the Fucino palaeolake sediment succession            

Leicher, N., Giaccio, B., Pereira, A., Nomade, S., Monaco, L., Mannella, G., Galli, P., Peronance, E., Palladino, D. M., Sottili, G., Zanchetta, G. & Wagner, B. 



Physical and chemical characterization of the Pomici di Avellino ashes (3.9 ka) from Somma-Vesuvius volcano for future health hazard assessment  

Fernandez, B. Giaccio, L. Monaco, M. Tomatisc, A. Pacella, D.M. Palladino, R. Sulpizio, F. Turci, G. Zanchetta, P. Ballirano, G. Sottili



Scientists’ attitudes about citizen science at Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) sitesL’Astorina

A, Davis C, Pugnetti A, Campanaro A, Oggioni A and Bergami C



Environmental citizen science practices in the ILTER community: Remarks from a case study at global scale   

Bergami C, Campanaro A, Davis C, L’Astorina A, Pugnetti A and Oggioni A      



RETE NAZIONALE SITI OSSERVATIVI MARINI del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche          

Angela Pomaro, Mauro Bastianini, Marco Bellacicco, Debora Bellafiore, Alvise Benetazzo, Caterina Bergami, Maristella Berta, Carolina Cantoni, Jacopo Chiggiato, Simone Colella, Lorenzo Corgnati, Francesca De Pascalis, Davide Dionisi, Luca Gasperini, Gianluigi Liberti, Marcello Magaldi, Carlo Mantovani, Fabio Matano, Emanuele Organelli, Fabio Raicich, Katrin Schroeder, Giuseppe Stanghellini, Gianluca Volpe            



Solution of the EEG inverse problem by random dipole sampling          

L Della Cioppa; M Tartaglione; A Pascarella; F Pitolli        



Ocean-wide comparisons of mesopelagic planktonic community structures

Janaina Rigonato, Marko Budinich, Alejandro A Murillo, Manoela C Brandão, Juan J Pierella Karlusich, Yawouvi Dodji Soviadan, Ann C Gregory, Hisashi Endo, Florian Kokoszka, Dean Vik, Nicolas Henry, Paul Frémont, Karine Labadie, Ahmed A Zayed, Céline Dimier, Marc Picheral, Sarah Searson, Julie Poulain, Stefanie Kandels, Stéphane Pesant, Eric Karsenti, Tara Oceans coordinators, Peer Bork, Chris Bowler, Colomban de Vargas, Damien Eveillard, Marion Gehlen, Daniele Iudicone, Fabien Lombard, Hiroyuki Ogata, Lars Stemmann, Matthew B Sullivan, Shinichi Sunagawa, Patrick Wincker, Samuel Chaffron, Olivier Jaillon



HF Radar Wind Direction: Multiannual Analysis Using Model and HF Network              

Simona Saviano, Anastasia Angela Biancardi, Florian Kokoszka, Marco Uttieri, Enrico Zambianchi, Luis Alberto Cusati,Andrea Pedroncini, and Daniela Cianelli 



Interplay among anthropogenic impact, climate change, and internal dynamics in driving nutrient and phytoplankton biomass in the Gulf of Naples    

Nicolas Romillac, Maria Abagnale, Florian Kokoszka, Augusto Passarelli, Vincenzo Saggiomo, Maurizio Ribera d’Alcalà, Francesca Margiotta    



Coastal mesozooplankton respond to decadal environmental changes via community restructuring     

Maria Grazia Mazzocchi, Iole Di Capua, Florian Kokoszka, Francesca Margiotta, Maurizio Ribera d’Alcalà, Diana Sarno, Adriana Zingone, Priscilla Licandro



A Turbulence Survey in the Gulf of Naples, Mediterranean Sea, during the Seasonal Destratification    

Florian Kokoszka 1,*,Fabio Conversano 1,Daniele Iudicone 2,Bruno Ferron 3ORCID andPascale Bouruet-Aubertot     



Long-term variability of the coastal ocean stratification in the Gulf of Naples: Two decades of monitoring the marine ecosystem at the LTER–MC site, between land and open Mediterranean Sea          

Kokoszka, F., Le Roux, B., Iudicone, D., Conversano, F., & Ribera d’Alcalá, M.



Reconstruction of subsurface ocean state variables using Convolutional Neural Networks with combined satellite and in situ data            

Smith, P. A. H., Sørensen, K. A., Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Chauhan, A., Christensen, A., st. John, M., Rodrigues, F., & Mariani,



Sediment resuspension due to internal solitary waves of elevation in the Messina Strait (Mediterranean Sea) 

Giovanni La Forgia, Riccardo Droghei, Martina Pierdomenico, Pierpaolo Falco, Eleonora Martorelli, Alessandro Bergamasco, Andrea Bergamasco & Federico Falcini



First Results of the COLOR (CDOM Proxy Retrieval from aeOLus ObseRvations) Project              

Dionisi, S. Bucci, C. Cesarini, S. Colella, D. D’Alimonte, L. Di Ciolo, P. Di Girolamo, M. Di Paolantonio, N. Franco, G. Giuliano, G. Gostinicchi, T. Kajiyama, G. L. Liberti, E. Organelli and R. Santoleri



Ocean carbon from space: Current status and priorities for the next decade

Robert J.W. Brewin, Shubha Sathyendranath, Gemma Kulk, Marie-Helene Rio, Javier A. Concha, Thomas G. Bell, Astrid Bracher, Cedric Fichot, Thomas L. Frolicher, Martí Galí, Dennis Arthur Hansell, Tihomir S. Kostadinov, Catherine Mitchell, Aimee Renee Neeley, Emanuele Organelli, Katherine Richardson, Cecile Rousseaux, Fang Shen, Dariusz Stramski, Maria Tzortziou, Andrew J. Watson, Charles Izuma Addey, Marco Bellacicco, Heather Bouman, Dustin Carroll, Ivona Cetinic, Giorgio Dall’Olmo, Robert Frouin, Judith Hauc, Martin Hieronymi, Chuanmin Hu, Valeria Ibello, Bror Jonsson , Christina Eunjun Kong, Zarko Kovac, Marko Laine, Jonathan Lauderdale, Samantha Lavender, Eleni Livanou, Joan Llort, Larisa Lorinczi, Michael Nowicki, Novia Arinda Pradisty, Stella Psarra, Dionysios E. Raitsos, Ana Belen Ruescas, Joellen L. Russell , Joe Salisbury, Richard Sanders, Jamie D. Shutler, Xuerong Sun, Fernando Gonzalez Taboada, Gavin H. Tilstone, Xinyuan Wei, David K. Woolf



Characterization of bio-optical anomalies in the Kerguelen region, Southern Indian Ocean: A study based on shipborne sampling and BioGeoChemical-Argo profiling floats             

Uitz J., Roesler C., Organelli E., Claustre H., Penkerc’h C., Drapeau S., Leymarie E., Poteau A., Schmechtig C., Dimier C., Ras J., Xing X., Blain S.             

https://doi. org/10.1029/2023JC019671


A census of quality-controlled Biogeochemical-Argo float measurements     

Stoer AC, Takeshita Y, Maurer TL, Begouen Demeaux C, Bittig HC, Boss E, Claustre H, Dall’Olmo G, Gordon C, Greenan BJW, Johnson KS, Organelli E, Sauzède R, Schmechtig CM and Fennel K



Deep-water hydrodynamic observations around a cold-water coral habitat in a submarine canyon in the eastern Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean Sea)    

Ciuffardi T., Kokkini Z., Berta M., Locritani M., Bordone A., Delbono I., Borghini M., Demarte M., Ivaldi R., Pannacciulli F., Vetrano A., Marini D., Caprino G.           



4D-Var data assimilation and observation impact on surface transport of HF-Radar derived surface currents in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea       

Bendoni M., Moore A. M., Molcard A., Magaldi M. G., Fattorini M., Brandini C.



Relative dispersion and kinematic properties of the coastal submesoscale circulation in the southeastern Ligurian Sea         

Poulain P-.M., Centurioni L., Brandini C., Taddei S., Berta M., Menna M.



Inertial Oscillations and Frontal Processes in an Alboran Sea Jet: Effects on Divergence and Vertical Transport 

Esposito G., Donnet S., Berta M., Shcherbina A. Y., Freilich M., Centurioni L., D’Asaro E. A., Farrar J. T., Johnston T. M. S., Mahadevan A., Özgökmen T. M., Pascual A., Poulain P-.M., Ruiz S., Tarry D. R., Griffa A.   



Image dataset for benchmarking automated fish detection and classification algorithms

Francescangeli, M., Marini, S., Martínez, E., Del Río J., Toma D. M., Nogueras M., Aguzzi J.



The summer 2022 drought: a taste of future climate for the Po valley (Italy)? 

Bonaldo, D., D. Bellafiore, C. Ferrarin, R. Ferretti, A. Ricchi, L. Sangelantoni, and M. L. Vitelletti



Modelling the barotropic sea level in the Mediterranean using data assimilation              

Bajo, M., C. Ferrarin, G. Umgiesser, A. Bonometto, and E. Coraci          



ChemicalDrift 1.0: an open-source Lagrangian chemical-fate and transport model for organic aquatic pollutants          

Aghito, M., L. Calgaro, K.-F. Dagestad, C. Ferrarin, A. Marcomini, Ø. Breivik, and L. R. Hole         



A Geoportal of data and tools for supporting Maritime Spatial Planning in the Adriatic-Ionian Region           

Menegon, S., A. Fadini, L. Perini, A. Sarretta, D. Depellegrin, E. De Maio, G. Farella, M. Landini, C. Fava, C. Ferrarin, M. Ghezzo, E. Manea, E. M. D. Porporato, R. Pastres, O. Sedioli, D. V. Politikos, I. Maina, S. Kavadas, R. Matarrese, and A. Barbanti           10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105585


The contribution of a mesoscale cyclone and associated meteotsunami to the exceptional flood

in Venice on 12 November, 2019          

Ferrarin, C., M. Orlić, M. Bajo, S. Davolio, G. Umgiesser, and P. Lionello     



Fecal bacteria contamination in the Adriatic Sea: investigating environmental factors and modeling to manage recreational coastal waters   

Penna, A., M. Marini, C. Ferrarin, S. Guicciardi, F. Grilli, E. Baldrighi, F. Ricci, S. Casabianca, S. Capellacci, N. Marinchel, P. Penna, F. Moro, A. Campanelli, L. Bolognini, M. Ordulj, M. Krzelj, V. Špadah, J. Bilić, M. Sikoronjai, N. Bujasi, and E. Manini



A flexible z-layers approach for the accurate representation of free surface flows in a coastal ocean model

(SHYFEM v. 7_5_71)      Arpaia, L., C. Ferrarin, M. Bajo, and G. Umgiesser



Sediment resuspension and transport processes during dense water cascading events along the continental margin of the southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)    

Paladini de Mendoza, F., Schroeder, K., Miserocchi, S., Borghini, M., Giordano P, Chiggiato J, Trincardi F, Amorosi A, Langone L      



Deep-Water Dynamics along the 2012–2020 Observations on the Continental Margin of the Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)           

Paladini de Mendoza, F.; Schroeder, K.; Langone, L.; Chiggiato, J.; Borghini, M.; Giordano, P.; Miserocchi, S.

https://doi.org/ 10.3390/jmse11071364

Comet assay as an early predictor tool to detect ozone enhanced sensitivity of vegetation in a free-air controlled long-term exposure;

Plant Stress;                 

Roberta Meschini, Elena Paoletti, Yasutomo Hoshika, Zoi-Antigoni Sideri-Manoka, Ambra Dell’Orso, Giada Magni, Elena Kuzminsky;


Ozone genotoxicity, O3 Free air controlled exposure, Protoplast isolation, Comet assay, DNA damage, Ecophysiology;          



The disinfection by-products are in the air: Aerosol measurements in the urban area of Venice;

Atmospheric Environment;

Matteo Feltracco, Elena Barbaro, Gianni Formenton, Giovanna Mazzi, Sveva Striuli, Carlo Bragato, Rossano Piazza, Carlo Barbante, Andrea Gambaro;      


Disinfection by-products, Haloacetic acids, Aerosol, Venice2024.



A new software toolkit for optical apportionment of carbonaceous aerosol;  

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques;

Tommaso Isolabella, Vera Bernardoni, Alessandro Bigi, Marco Brunoldi, Federico Mazzei, Franco Parodi, Paolo Prati, VIrginia Vernocchi, and Dario Massabò;  

Optical properties, apportionment, carbonaceous aerosol2024.



ClimateDT: A Global Scale-Free Dynamic Downscaling Portal for Historic and Future Climate Data;             

Environments MDPI;              

Maurizio Marchi, Gabriele Bucci, Paolo Iovieno, Duncan Ray;  

Environment; CRU-TS; UKCP18; B4EST project; climatic indices; genecology               15/04/2024.  



Insights into size-segregated distribution of benzothiazoles in indoor aerosol from office environments;  

Environmental Science: Atmospheres;                    

Matteo Feltracco, Giovanna Mazzi, Elena Barbaro, Elena Gregoris, Mara Bortolini, Carlo Barbante, Andrea Gambaro



Unraveling the non-homogeneous dispersion processes in ocean and coastal circulations using a clustering approach; 

Geophysical Research Letters;                      

Lagomarsino-Oneto, D., De Leo, A., Stocchino, A., Cucco, A.;

Clustering algorithm; Lagrangian trajectories; autocorrelation functions; inhomogeneous dispersion processes May 8, 2024.



Native and non-indigenous biota associated with the Cymodocea nodosa (Tracheophyta, Alismatales) meadow in the seas of Taranto (southern Italy, Mediterranean Sea);


Denti Giuseppe, Rubino Fernando, Cecere Ester, Petrocelli Antonella              biodiversity;

ecosystem services; ITINERIS; LTER; Mar Piccolo of Taranto; non‐indigenous species; NBFC; seagrasses 26/06/2024.



Assessment of OMA gap-filling performances for multiple and single coastal HF radar systems: validation with drifter data in the Ligurian Sea; 

Remote Sensing;                     

Corgnati, Lorenzo, Maristella Berta, Zoi Kokkini, Carlo Mantovani, Marcello G. Magaldi, Anne Molcard, and Annalisa Griffa;        

HF radars; OMA; drifters; Northern Current; gap-filling   July 4, 2024.  



Unraveling the difference of sensitivity to ozone between non-hybrid native poplar and hybrid poplar clones: A flux-based dose-response analysis;          

“Environ Pollut. 2024 Jul 8:358:124524. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124524. Online ahead of print.”;         

Yasutomo Hoshika*, Martina Pollastrini, Riccardo Marzuoli, Giacomo Gerosa, Elena Marra, Barbara Baesso Moura, Evgenios Agathokleous, Vicent Calatayud, Zhaozhong Feng, Pierre Sicard, Elena Paoletti;    

Dose-response relationships; Ozone FACE; Ozone risk assessment; Phytotoxic ozone dose; Poplars.2024. 



Stabilizing cubic γ-Ga2O3:Cr3+ spinel nanocrystals by size confinement into mesoporous silica nanoreactor channels;

Journal of Materials Chemistry C

Michele Crozzolin, Camilla Belloni, Jian Xu, Takayuki Nakanishi, Jumpei Ueda, Setsuhisa Tanabe, Federico Dallo, Eleonora Balliana, Asia Saorin, Flavio Rizzolio, Davide Cristofori, Pietro Riello, Alvise Benedetti and Michele Back                                                                                                                                  

Bacterial viability and air quality: Experimental approach and results at the atmospheric simulation chamber ChAMBRe;

Il Nuovo Cimento C;

Abd El, M. Brunoldi, E. Gatta, M. Irfan, T. Isolabella, D. Massabò, F. Mazzei, V. Vernocchi, F. Parodi, P. Prati


Multiparameter Detection of Summer Open Fire Emissions: The Case Study of GAW Regional Observatory of Lamezia Terme (Southern Italy);


Luana Malacaria, Domenico Parise, Teresa Lo Feudo, Elenio Avolio, Ivano Ammoscato, Daniel Gullì, Salvatore Sinopoli, Paolo Cristofanelli, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Francesco D’Amico, Claudia Roberta Calidonna;         

open fire; climate change; atmospheric greenhouse gases; black carbon emission; Mediterranean basin.     


Integrated Analysis of Methane Cycles and Trends at the WMO/GAW Station of Lamezia Terme (Calabria, Southern Italy);              


Francesco D’Amico, Ivano Ammoscato, Daniel Gullì, Elenio Avolio, Teresa Lo Feudo, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Paolo Cristofanelli, Luana Malacaria, Domenico Parise, Salvatore Sinopoli, Giorgia De Benedetto, Claudia Roberta Calidonna;

methane; wind parameters; GAW; Lamezia Terme; Calabria; Southern Italy               Published: 7 August 2024.  


Ruthenium isotopes show the Chicxulub impactor was a carbonaceous-type asteroid;

Science 385, 752–756 (2024);         

Fischer-Gödde et al.

Technical note: Flagging inconsistencies in flux tower data;        


Jung, M., Nelson, J., Migliavacca, M., El-Madany, T., Papale, D., Reichstein, M., Walther, S., Wutzler, T.2024.


A pre-whitening with block-bootstrap cross-correlation procedure for temporal alignment of data sampled by eddy covariance systems;            

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECOLOGICAL STATISTICS;                                    

Vitale, D., Fratini, G., Helfter, C., Hortnagl, L., Kohonen, K-M., Mammarella, I., Nemitz, E., Nicolini, G., Rebmann, C., Sabbatini, S.,  Papale, D.2024.


Anthropic-Induced Variability of Greenhouse Gasses and Aerosols at the WMO/GAW Coastal Site of Lamezia Terme (Calabria, Southern Italy): Towards a New Method to Assess the Weekly Distribution of Gathered Data;        


Francesco D’Amico, Ivano Ammoscato, Daniel Gullì, Elenio Avolio, Teresa Lo Feudo, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Paolo Cristofanelli, Luana Malacaria, Domenico Parise, Salvatore Sinopoli, Giorgia De Benedetto, Claudia Roberta Calidonna;

Lamezia Terme; GAW; sustainability; weekly cycles; anthropic activity; carbon monoxide; carbon dioxide; methane; black carbon2024             

Trends in CO, CO2, CH4, BC, and NOx during the First 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown: Source Insights from the WMO/GAW Station of Lamezia Terme (Calabria, Southern Italy);

Sustainability ;            

Francesco D’Amico, Ivano Ammoscato, Daniel Gullì, Elenio Avolio, Teresa Lo Feudo, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Paolo Cristofanelli, Luana Malacaria, Domenico Parise, Salvatore Sinopoli, Giorgia De Benedetto, Claudia Roberta Calidonna;              

COVID-19; 2020 lockdown; Lamezia Terme; Mediterranean Basin; GAW; carbon monoxide; carbon dioxide; methane; black carbon; nitrogen oxides2024


Cyclic and multi-year characterization of surface ozone at the WMO/GAW coastal station of Lamezia Terme (Calabria, Southern Italy): implications for local environment, cultural heritage, and human health;


Francesco D’Amico, Daniel Gullì, Teresa Lo Feudo, Ivano Ammoscato, Elenio Avolio, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Paolo Cristofanelli, Maurizio Busetto, Luana Malacaria, Domenico Parise, Salvatore Sinopoli, Giorgia De Benedetto, Claudia Roberta Calidonna

surface ozone; GAW; Lamezia Terme; Mediterranean basin2024


Cannabis sativa genotypes with larger leaf areas have higher potential to adjust stomatal size and density in response to water deficit: The effect on stomatal conductance and physiological stomatal behaviour;     

Plant Stress;                

Haworth M., Carli A., Montesano V., Killi D., Fabbri A., Balestrini R. Marino G. & Centritto M.;

Phenotyping, Hemp, Drought, Allometry, Stomatal spacing, Stomatal kinetic, Stomatal sensitivity2024.


Cannabis sativa genotypes with larger leaf areas have higher potential to adjust stomatal size and density in response to water deficit: The effect on stomatal conductance and physiological stomatal behaviour;

Plant Stress;  

Haworth M., Carli A., Montesano V., Killi D., Fabbri A., Balestrini R. Marino G. & Centritto M.

Phenotyping, Hemp, Drought, Allometry, Stomatal spacing, Stomatal kinetic, Stomatal sensitivity2024.


X-BASE: the first terrestrial carbon and water flux products from an extended data-driven scaling framework, FLUXCOM-X;       


Nelson, J.A., Walther, S., Gans, F., Kraft, B., Weber, U., Novick, K., Buchmann, N., Migliavacca, M., Wohlfahrt, G., Šigut, L., Ibrom, A., Papale, D.,  et al.;

Carbon modeling.


Protein Biosynthesis and Maturation in the ER     

Pedrazzini, E., Vitale, A.        


ClimateDT: A Global Scale-Free Dynamic Downscaling Portal for Historic and Future Climate Data

Marchi M, Bucci G, Iovieno P, Ray D             


Genetic differentiation of the Capparis spinosa group in the Mediterranean area              

Melzi Y, La Bella F, Silvestre Gristina A, Zerbo M, Khelifi D, Bechkri S, Puccio G, Carimi F, Fici S, Mercati F     


Spatial conservation planning of forest genetic resources in a Mediterranean multi-refugial area    

Vajana E, Andrello M, Avanzi C, Bagnoli F, Vendramin GG, Piotti A


DNA Polymerase I Large Fragment from Deinococcus radiodurans, a Candidate for a Cutting-Edge Room-Temperature LAMP

Marilena Manzo, Assunta Serra, Emilia Pedone, Luciano Pirone, Viviana Scognamiglio, Mariarita De Felice, and Mariarosaria De Falco 


Latest trends in biosensors powered by nucleic acid isothermal amplification for the diagnosis of joint infections: From sampling to identification towards the point-of-care

Author links open overlay panel

Mariarita De Felice, Mariarosaria De Falco, Amina Antonacci, Sara Colella, Vincenzo Vedi, Rachele Isticato, Alfonso Maria ROmano, Valeria Nocerino, Bruno Miranda, Luca De Stefano, Viviana Scognamiglio             


Effects of air temperatures on acacia and chestnut honey yields: case study in Italy.

Messeri, A., Arcidiaco, L., Bianca, E., Tiako, D., Orlandini, S., Messeri, G. & Mancini, M.


Exploring the Contribution of a Generalist Citizen Science Project for Alien Species Detection and Monitoring in Coastal Areas. A Case Study on the Adriatic of Central Italy.

Compagnone F., Varricchione M., Stanisci A., Matteucci G., Carranza M


Phenology of photosynthesis in winter‐dormant temperate and boreal forests: Long‐term observations from flux towers and quantitative evaluation of phenology models.  

Bowling D. R., Schädel C., Smith K. R., Richardson A. D., Bahn M., Arain M. A., et al., incluso Matteucci G., ultimo nome Black T.A.             


Substantial contribution of tree canopy nitrifiers to nitrogen fluxes in European forests.

Guerrieri R., Cáliz J., Mattana S., Barceló A., Candela M., Elustondo D., Fortmann H., Hellsten S., Koenig N., Lindroos A-J., Matteucci G., Merilä P., Michalski G., Nicolas M., Thimonier A., Turroni S., Vanguelova E., Verstraeten A., Waldner P., Watanabe M., Casamayor E.O., Peñuelas J., Mencuccini M.          


Functional changes of protist communities in soil after glacier retreat              

Giachello, I. Cantera, A. Carteron, A. Bonin, A. Guerrieri, R. Ambrosini, M. Caccianiga, M. Gobbi, S. Marta & G. F. Ficetola


The development of terrestrial ecosystems emerging after glacier retreats     

G.F. Ficetola, S. Marta, A. Guerrieri, I. Cantera, A. Bonin, S. Cauvy-Fraunié, R. Ambrosini, M. Caccianiga, F. Anthelme, R.S. Azzoni, P. Almond, P. Alviz Gazitúa, J.L. Ceballos Lievano, P. Chand, M. Chand Sharma, J. Clague, J.A. Cochachín Rapre, C. Compostella, R. Cruz Encarnación, O. Dangles, P. Deline, A. Eger, S. Erokhin, A. Franzetti, L. Gielly, F. Gili , M. Gobbi, S. Hågvar, R. Kaufmann, N. Khedim, R. I. Meneses, M.A. Morales-Martínez, G. Peyre, F. Pittino, A. Proietto, A. Rabatel, K. Sieron, L. Tielidze, N. Urseitova, Y. Yang, V. Zaginaev, A. Zerboni, A. Zimmer, G.A. Diolaiuti, P. Taberlet, J. Poulenard, D. Fontaneto, W. Thuiller and  A. Carteron


Dynamics and drivers of mycorrhizal fungi after glacier retreat 

A. Carteron, I. Cantera, A. Guerrieri, S. Marta, A. Bonin, R. Ambrosini, F. Anthelme, R.S. Azzoni, P. Almond, P. Alviz Gazitúa, S. Cauvy-Fraunié, J.L. Ceballos Lievano, P. Chand, M. Chand Sarma, J. Clague, J.A. Cochachín Rapre, C. Compostella, R. Cruz Encarnación, O. Dangles, A. Eger, S. Erokhin, A. Franzetti, L. Gielly, F. Gili, M. Gobbi, S. Hågvar, N. Khedim, R.I. Meneses, G. Peyre, F. Pittino, A. Rabatel, N. Urseitova, Y. Yang, V. Zaginaev, A. Zerboni, A. Zimmer, P. Taberlet, G. Diolaiuti, J. Poulenard, W. Thuiller, M. Caccianiga and G.F. Ficetola 


The importance of species addition versus replacement varies over succession in plant communities after glacial retreat 

Cantera, A. Carteron, A. Guerrieri, S. Marta, A. Bonin, R. Ambrosini, F. Anthelme, R.S. Azzoni, P. Almond, P. Alviz Gazitúa, S. Cauvy-Fraunié, J.L. Ceballos Lievano, P. Chand, M. Chand Sarma, J. Clague, J.A. Cochachín Rapre, C. Compostella, R. Cruz Encarnación, O. Dangles, A. Eger, S. Erokhin, A. Franzetti, L. Gielly, F. Gili, M. Gobbi, S. Hågvar, N. Khedim, R.I. Meneses, G. Peyre, F. Pittino, A. Rabatel, N. Urseitova, Y. Yang, V. Zaginaev, A. Zerboni, A. Zimmer, P. Taberlet, G. Diolaiuti, J. Poulenard, W. Thuiller, M. Caccianiga and G.F. Ficetola


Local climate modulates the development of soil nematode communities after glacier retreat

Guerrieri*, I. Cantera*, S. Marta*, A. Bonin*, A. Carteron, R. Ambrosini, M. Caccianiga, F. Anthelme, R.S. Azzoni, P. Almond, P. Alviz Gazitúa, S. Cauvy-Fraunié, J.L. Ceballos Lievano, P. Chand, M. Chand Sharma, J. Clague, J.A. Cochachín Rapre, C. Compostella, R. Cruz Encarnación, O. Dangles, P. Deline, A. Eger, S. Erokhin, A. Franzetti, L. Gielly, F. Gili , M. Gobbi, S. Hågvar, N. Khedim, R. I. Meneses, G. Peyre, F. Pittino, A. Proietto, A. Rabatel, N. Urseitova, Y. Yang, V. Zaginaev, A. Zerboni, A. Zimmer, P. Taberlet, G.A. Diolaiuti, J. Poulenard, D. Fontaneto*, W. Thuiller* and G.F. Ficetola


The Ophiolite-Hosted Cu-Zn VMS Deposits of Tuscany (Italy)   

Dini A, Rielli A, Di Giuseppe P, Ruggeri G, Boschi C           

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/min14030273

Carbon dioxide fluxes in Alpine grasslands at the Nivolet Plain, Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy 2017-2023.      

Parisi, A., Avogadro di Valdengo, F., Baneschi, I., Baronetti A., Boiani, M.V., Catania, M., Sara Lenzi, S., Magnani, M., Mosca, P., Provenzale, A., Raco, B., Vivaldo, G. and Giamberini, S.         


An open science automatic workflow for multi-model species distribution estimation.

Coro  Gianpaolo, Lorenzo Sana, Pasquale Bove  


Climate change effects on animal presence in the Massaciuccoli Lake basin.              

Coro G., Bove P., Baneschi I., Bertini A., Calvisi L., Provenzale A.           


GPR Mapping of Cavities in Complex Scenarios with a Combined Time–Depth Conversion    

R. Persico, I. Catapano, G. Esposito, G. Morelli, G. De Martino, L. Capozzoli


Are Foreshocks Fore‐Shocks?          

Zaccagnino, F. Vallianatos, G. Michas, L. Telesca, C. Doglioni


Automated detection and machine learning‐based classification of seismic tremors associated with a non‐volcanic gas emission (Mefite d’Ansanto, Southern Italy)            

Panebianco, C. Satriano, G. Vivone, M. Picozzi, A. Strollo, T. A. Stabile


A Variance-Covariance method to estimating the errors of 3-D ground displacement time-series using small baseline InSAR algorithms and multi-platform SAR data     

Francesco Falabella, Antonio Pepe, Angela Perrone, Tony Alfredo Stabile


Detecting DC Electrical Resistivity Changes in Seismic Active Areas: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions          



Seismic‐electromagnetic signals from two monitoring stations in Southern Italy: Electromagnetic time series release          

Ventola, M. Balasco, M. De Girolamo, L. Falco, M. Filippucci, L. Hillmann, G. Romano, V. Serlenga, T. A. Stabile, A. Strollo, A. Tallarico, S. Tripaldi, T. Zieke, A. Siniscalchi


Fault (Re)Activation and Fluid‐Induced Seismicity: An Example From the Val d’Agri Intermontane Basin (Southern Italy)             

Lavecchia, V. Serlenga, M. Filippucci, T. A. Stabile, G. Prosser, A. Tallarico


Multi-Methodological Geophysical Approach for Rapid and Non-invasive Structural Characterization of Infrastructures      

R. Gallipoli, N. Tragni, V. Serlenga, B. Petrovic


Deep geophysical investigations (DERT and Seismic Reflection) to unravel the Ferrara urban area geology 

Rizzo E., Caputo R., Petronio L., Giampaolo V., Capozzoli L., De Martino G., Piscitelli S., Bellanova J., Rapti D., Baradello L., Affatato A., Lapenna V.


An innovative time-depth conversion for the management of buried scenarios with strong discontinuities  

Persico R., Morelli G., Esposito G., Catapano I., Capozzoli L., De Martino G., Yang D.


Investigating Avalanche Risk Impact on Accommodation Facilities in the Municipalities of Abruzzo Region.

 Gervasi, O., Murgante, B., Garau, C., Taniar, D., C. Rocha, A.M.A., Faginas Lago, M.N. (eds)

Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2024 Workshops. ICCSA 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14820. Springer, Cham.           


Practising urban agriculture positively influences household organic waste management habits: A quantitative study from Florianópolis, Brazil. Waste Management & Research,


https://doi.org/10.1177/0734242X241271025 (2024).    

Gianluca Di Fiore, Kathrin Specht, Cesare Zanasi, and Oscar José Rover-1


Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure – ACTRIS, the European research infrastructure supporting atmospheric science, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS),

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0064.1, (accepted and published on line), 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16173350

Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust Event across the European Continent in Spring 2022. Remote Sens

https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16173350, 2024

Cannabis sativa genotypes with larger leaf areas have higher potential to adjust stomatal size and density in response to water deficit: The effect on stomatal conductance and physiological stomatal behaviour       

Haworth M., Carli A., Montesano V., Killi D., Fabbri A., Balestrini R., Marino G., Centritto M.


Climate challenges: can plants adapt in time?    

Loreto F., Atzori G.    


Plant-based and remote sensing for water status monitoring of orchard crops: Systematic review and meta-analysis       

Velazquez-Chavez L.J., Daccache A., Mohamed A.Z. & Centritto M. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2024.109051

Assessing semantic interoperability in environmental sciences: variety of approaches and semantic artefacts           

Di Muri C., Pulieri M., Raho D., Muresan A.N., Tarallo A., Titocci J., Nestola E., Basset A., Mazzoni S. & Rosati I.     


Antifungal activity of carvacrol-based solids and their effects on Whatman and Kraft paper

Menicucci, F., Pizzo, B., Salvadori, B., Chelazzi, L., Ienco, A., & Palagano, E.


Effectiveness of Essential Oil Component Cocrystals Against Food Spoilage Bacteria

Montisci, F., Menicucci, F., Carraro, C., Prencipe, M., Pelagatti, P., Ienco, A., Palagano, E., Raio, A., Michelozzi, M., Mazzeo, P.P., & Bacchi, A.           


Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus Spenn.): New Insights into Phenolics, Terpenes, and Antioxidants of Mediterranean Cultivars              

Baptista, A., Menicucci, F., Brunetti, C., dos Santos Nascimento, L. B., Pasquini, D., Alderotti, F., Detti, C., Ferrini, F., & Gori, A.      


Development and Evaluation of a Trichoderma-Based Bioformulation for Enhancing Sustainable Potato Cultivation              

Napolitano, Angelo; Senatore, Mauro; Coluccia, Simone; Palomba, Francesca; Castaldo, Margherita; Spasiano, Teresa; Avino, Alessio Giovanni; Vitale, Andrea; Bonfante, Antonello; Sacco, Adriana; Ruocco, Michelina            


On the Capabilities of the IREA-CNR Airborne SAR Infrastructure          

Esposito, Carmen; Natale, Antonio; Lanari, Riccardo; Berardino, Paolo; Perna, Stefano

DOI: 10.3390/rs16193704

Three-Dimensional Ground-Penetrating Radar Imaging: A Comparison            

Masoodi, Medhi; Gennarelli, Gianluca; Soldovieri, Francesco; Catapano, Ilaria.              

DOI: 10.3390/rs16173163

Unraveling the difference of sensitivity to ozone between non-hybrid native poplar and hybrid poplar clones: A flux-based dose-response analysis            

Yasutomo Hoshika, Martina Pollastrini, Riccardo Marzuoli, Giacomo Gerosa, Elena Marra, Barbara Baesso Moura, Evgenios Agathokleous, Vicent Calatayud, Zhaozhong Feng, Pierre Sicard, Elena Paoletti      


Probing ozone effects on European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L. and Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.) leaf water content through THz imaging and dynamic stomatal response         

Pagano M, Hoshika Y, Gennari F, Manzini J, Elena Marra, Viviano A, Paoletti E, Sultana S, Tredicucci A, Toncelli A 


Stress physiology of Moringa oleifera under tropospheric ozone enrichment: An ecotype-specific investigation into growth, nonstructural carbohydrates, and polyphenols  

Barbara Baesso Moura, Yasutomo Hoshika, Cecilia Brunetti, Elena Paoletti, Nascimento dos Santos, Beatriz Luana, Elena Marra, Francesco Ferrini          

doi: 10.1111/tpj.17107

Accelerating and standardising IUCN Red List assessments with sRedList     

Cazalis, V.; Di Marco, M.; Zizka, A.; Butchart, S. H. M.; Gonzalez-Suarez, M.; Bohm, M.; Bachman, S. P.; Hoffmann, M.; Rosati, I.; De Leo, F.; Jung, M.; Benitez-Lopez, A.; Clausnitzer, V.; Cardoso, P.; Brooks, T. M.; Mancini, G.; Lucas, P. M.; Young, B. E.; Akcakaya, H. R.; Schipper, A. M.; Hilton-Taylor, C.; Pacifici, M.; Meyer, C.; Santini, L.


Advancements in EcoPortal: Enhancing functionalities for the ecological domain semantic artefacts repository          

Tarallo, Andrea; Pulieri, Martina; Ramezani, Parham; Rosati, Ilaria


Anthropogenic dispersal explains the phylogeography of insular edible dormouse Glis glis in the Mediterranean basin.           

Mori, E.; Ancillotto, L.; Viviano, A.; Sogliani, D.; Amori, G.; Vella, F.; Boano, G.; Bertolino, S.; Monti, F.           


Antiangiogenic Potential of Pomegranate Extracts.           

Tornese, R.; Montefusco, A.; Placì, R.; Semeraro, T.; Durante, M.; De Caroli, M.; Calabrese, G.; Caprifico, A.E.; Lenucci, M.S.        


Assessing semantic interoperability in environmental sciences: variety of approaches and semantic artefacts           

Di Muri, Cristina; Pulieri, Martina; Raho, Davide; Muresan, Alexandra N.; Tarallo, Andrea; Titocci, Jessica; Nestola, Enrica; Basset, Alberto; Mazzoni, Sabrina; Rosati, Ilaria  


Characterization of Fuel Types for the Canadian Region Using MODIS MCD12Q1 Data.

Nestola, E.; Gavrichkova, O.; Vitale, V.; Brugnoli, E.; Sarti, M.


Developing the ParAqua database: methodology and implications      

Tarallo, Andrea; Turrisi, Giuseppe; Raho, Davide; Rosati, Ilaria


Effects of the Agrivoltaic System on Crop Production: The Case of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.).              

Scarano, A.; Semeraro, T.; Calisi, A.; Aretano, R.; Rotolo, C.; Lenucci, M.S.; Santino, A.; Piro, G.; De Caroli         


First data on the diet of Razorbill Alca torda wintering in the Mediterranean Sea: insights from social media.

Monti, F.; Mori, E.; Balestrieri, R.; Minichino, A.; Vento, R.; Viviano, A.; Tiralongo, F. 


Intrinsic and extrinsic factors modulating vigilance and foraging in two gregarious foragers           

Monti, F.; Ferretti, F.; Fattorini, N.   


LifeWatch ERIC Strategic Working Plan Outcomes           

Arvanitidis C, Basset A, van Tienderen P, Huertas Olivares CI, Di Muri C, de Moncuit L, Los W


LifeWatch ERIC: papers collection on original datasets and new e-services for the biodiversity and ecosystems’ scientific community 

Arvanitidis C, Basset A, van Tienderen P, de Moncuit L, Huertas Olivares CI, Di Muri C, Mellado A, Los W     


Linking the structural parameters of a priority Natura 2000 grassland to SAR and optical data   

Alessandro Sebastiani, Teodoro Semeraro, Flavio Monti, Jessica Titocci, Lorenzo Liberatore, Alberto Basset, Carlo Calfapietra, Dario Papale, and Gaia Vaglio Laurin


Nature-Based Solutions Planning for Urban Microclimate Improvement and Health: An Integrated Ecological and Economic Approach.        

Semeraro, T.; Calisi, A.; Hang, J.; Emmanuel, R.; Buccolieri, R.


Navigating taxonomic complexity: A use-case report on FAIR scientific name-matching service usage in ENVRI Research Infrastructures      

Islam,Sharif; Papale, Dario; Vaira, Lucia; Rosati, Ilaria; Peterseil, Johannes; Pichot, Christian         


Non-Destructive Biomarkers in Non-Target Species Earthworm Lumbricus terrestris for Assessment of Different Agrochemicals.  

Calisi, A.; Cappello, T.; Angelelli, M.; Maisano, M.; Rotondo, D.; Gualandris, D.; Semeraro, T.; Dondero,


Role of Rare Species on Phytoplankton Size–Abundance Relationships and Size Structure across Different Biogeographical Areas            

Laraib, Maira; Titocci, Jessica; Giannakourou, Antonia; Reizopoulou, Sofia; Basset, Alberto


Shading effects in agrivoltaic systems can make the difference in boosting food security in climate change  

Teodoro Semeraro, Aurelia Scarano, Lorenzo Maria Curci, Angelo Leggieri, Marcello Lenucci, Alberto Basset, Angelo Santino, Gabriella Piro, Monica De Caroli


Spatio-temporal migratory patterns, habitat crossing and within-individual movement repeatability of Central Mediterranean European Rollers Coracias garrulus.          

Monti, F.; Cannarella, S.; Ćiković, D.; Tutiš, V.; Kralj, J.; Catoni, C.; Barišić, S.


Urban Morphology and Surface Urban Heat Island Relationship During HeatWaves:A Study of Milan and Lecce (Italy).    

Esposito, A.; Pappaccogli, G.; Donateo, A.; Salizzoni, P.; Maffeis, G.; Semeraro, T.; Santiago, J.L.; Buccolieri, R.              


Technical note: Flagging inconsistencies in flux tower data        

Jung, M., Nelson, J., Migliavacca, M., El-Madany, T., Papale, D., Reichstein, M., Walther, S., Wutzler, T.          


A pre-whitening with block-bootstrap cross-correlation procedure for temporal alignment of data sampled by eddy covariance systems             

Vitale, D., Fratini, G., Helfter, C., Hortnagl, L., Kohonen, K-M., Mammarella, I., Nemitz, E., Nicolini, G., Rebmann, C., Sabbatini, S., Papale, D.


X-BASE: the first terrestrial carbon and water flux products from an extended data-driven scaling framework, FLUXCOM-X         

Nelson, J.A., Walther, S., Gans, F., Kraft, B., Weber, U., Novick, K., Buchmann, N., Migliavacca, M., Wohlfahrt, G., Šigut, L., Ibrom, A., Papale, D., et al.   


Navigating taxonomic complexity: A use-case report on FAIR scientific name-matching service usage in ENVRI Research Infrastructures        

Islam,S., Papale, D., Vaira, L., Rosati, I., Peterseil, J., Pichot, C.             


Comparing ground below-canopy and satellite spectral data for an improved and integrated forest phenology monitoring system   

Gaia Vaglio Laurin, Alexander Cotrina-Sanchez , Luca Belelli-Marchesinib, Enrico Tomelleri , Giovanna Battipaglia, Claudia Cocozza, Francesco Niccoli, Jerzy Piotr Kabala, Damiano Gianelle, Loris Vescovo, Luca Da Ros, Riccardo Valentini


Corrigendum: Validating GEDI tree canopy cover product across forest types using co-registered aerial LiDAR data         

Li X., Li L., Ni W., Mu X., Wu X., Vaglio Laurin G., Vangi E., Stereńczak K., Chirici G., Yu S., Huang H.   

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2023.11.024 (più corrigendum)

Monitoring ink disease epidemics in chestnut and cork oak forests in central Italy with remote sensing

Alessandro Sebastiani, Matteo Bertozzi, Andrea Vannini, Carmen Morales-Rodriguez, Carlo Calfapietra, Gaia Vaglio Laurin


A multi-source approach to mapping habitat diversity: Combination of multi-date multispectral satellite imagery and comparison with single-date hyperspectral results in a Mediterranean Natural Reserve          

Chiara Zabeo, Gaia Vaglio Laurin, Birhane Gebrehiwot Tesfamariam, Diego Giuliarelli, Riccardo Valentini, Anna Barbati


Linking hyperspectral PRISMA data with ecosystem functional properties at ICOS sites    

Gaia Vaglio Laurin, Alessandro Sebastiani, Lorenza Nardella, Carlo Calfapietra, Anna Barbati, Bartolomeo Ventura, Dario Papale  


Linking the structural parameters of a priority Natura 2000 grassland to SAR and optical data   

Alessandro Sebastiani, Teodoro Semeraro, Flavio Monti, Jessica Titocci, Lorenzo Liberatore, Alberto Basset, Carlo Calfapietra, Dario Papale, Gaia Vaglio Laurin


Native and non-indigenous biota associated with the Cymodocea nodosa (Tracheophyta, Alismatales) meadow in the seas of Taranto (southern Italy, Mediterranean Sea) 

Denti G., Rubino F., Cecere E., Petrocelli A.           


Non-indigenous seaweeds in the Norteast Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and Macaronesia: a critical synthesis of diversity, spatial and temporal patterns           

Van der Loos L., Bafort Q., Bosch S., Ballesteros E., Bárbara I., Bercibar E., Blanfuné A., Bogaert K., Bouckenooghe S., Boudouresque Ch-F., Brodie J., Cecere E., Díaz-Tapia P., Engelen A.H., Gunnarson K., Shabaka H.S., Husa V., Israel A., Karremans M., Knoop J., Le Gall L., Maggs C.A., Mineur F., Parente M., Perk F., Petrocelli A., Rodríguez-Prieto C., Ruitton S., Sansón M., Serrão E.A., Sfriso A., Sjøtun K., Stiger-Pouvreau V., Surget G., Thibaut T., Tsiamis K., Van De Weghe L., Verlaque M., Viard F., Vranken S., Leliaert F., De Clerck O.


An Italian network of Automated Lidar-Ceilometers for 4D aerosol monitoring: infrastructure, data processing, and applications


Influence of wildfire emissions to carbon dioxide (CO2) observed at the Mt. Cimone station (Italy, 2165 m asl): A multi-year investigation    

Paolo Cristofanelli, Pamela Trisolino, Francescopiero Calzolari, Maurizio Busetto, Claudia Roberta Calidonna, Stefano Amendola, Jgor Arduini, Cosimo Fratticioli, Rabia Ali Hundal, Michela Maione, Francesca Marcucci, Angela Marinoni, Simonetta Montaguti, Laura Renzi, Fabrizio Roccato, Paolo Bonasoni, Davide Putero


Influence of deep stratosphere-to-troposphere transport on atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane at the Mt. Cimone WMO/GAW global station (2165 m a.s.l., Italy): A multi-year (2015–2022) investigation       

amela Trisolino, Davide Putero, Jgor Arduini, Stefano Amendola, Francescopiero Calzolari, Paolo Cristofanelli           


Source apportionment of ultrafine particles in urban Europe    

Meritxell Garcia-Marlès, Rosa Lara, Cristina Reche, Noemí Pérez, Aurelio Tobías, Marjan Savadkoohi, David Beddows, Imre Salma, Máté Vörösmarty, Tamás Weidinger, Christoph Hueglin, Nikos Mihalopoulos, Georgios Grivas, Panayiotis Kalkavouras, Jakub Ondracek, Nadezda Zikova, Jarkko V Niemi, Hanna E Manninen, David C Green, Anja H Tremper, Michael Norman, Stergios Vratolis, Evangelia Diapouli, Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, Francisco J Gómez-Moreno, Elisabeth Alonso-Blanco, Alfred Wiedensohler, Kay Weinhold, Maik Merkel, Susanne Bastian, Barbara Hoffmann, Hicran Altug, Jean-Eudes Petit, Prodip Acharja, Olivier Favez, Sebastiao Martins Dos Santos, Jean-Philippe Putaud, Adelaide Dinoi, Daniele Contini, Andrea Casans, Juan Andrés Casquero-Vera, Suzanne Crumeyrolle, Eric Bourrianne, Martine Van Poppel, Freja E Dreesen, Sami Harni, Hilkka Timonen, Janne Lampilahti, Tuukka Petäjä, Marco Pandolfi, Philip K Hopke, Roy M Harrison, Andrés Alastuey, Xavier Querol


Inter-annual trends of ultrafine particles in urban Europe            

Meritxell Garcia-Marlès, Rosa Lara, Cristina Reche, Noemí Pérez, Aurelio Tobías, Marjan Savadkoohi, David Beddows, Imre Salma, Máté Vörösmarty, Tamás Weidinger, Christoph Hueglin, Nikos Mihalopoulos, Georgios Grivas, Panayiotis Kalkavouras, Jakub Ondráček, Nadĕžda Zíková, Jarkko V Niemi, Hanna E Manninen, David C Green, Anja H Tremper, Michael Norman, Stergios Vratolis, Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, Francisco J Gómez-Moreno, Elisabeth Alonso-Blanco, Alfred Wiedensohler, Kay Weinhold, Maik Merkel, Susanne Bastian, Barbara Hoffmann, Hicran Altug, Jean-Eudes Petit, Olivier Favez, Sebastiao Martins Dos Santos, Jean-Philippe Putaud, Adelaide Dinoi, Daniele Contini, Hilkka Timonen, Janne Lampilahti, Tuukka Petäjä, Marco Pandolfi, Philip K Hopke, Roy M Harrison, Andrés Alastuey, Xavier Querol


Atmospheric new particle formation identifier using longitudinal global particle number size distribution data          

Simonas Kecorius, Leizel Madueño, Mario Lovric, Nikolina Racic, Maximilian Schwarz, Josef Cyrys, Juan Andrés Casquero-Vera, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, Sébastien Conil, Jean Sciare, Jakub Ondracek, Anna Gannet Hallar, Francisco J Gómez-Moreno, Raymond Ellul, Adam Kristensson, Mar Sorribas, Nikolaos Kalivitis, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos, Annette Peters, Maria Gini, Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, Stergios Vratolis, Kim Jeongeun, Wolfram Birmili, Benjamin Bergmans, Nina Nikolova, Adelaide Dinoi, Daniele Contini, Angela Marinoni, Andres Alastuey, Tuukka Petäjä, Sergio Rodriguez, David Picard, Benjamin Brem, Max Priestman, David C Green, David CS Beddows, Roy M Harrison, Colin O’Dowd, Darius Ceburnis, Antti Hyvärinen, Bas Henzing, Suzanne Crumeyrolle, Jean-Philippe Putaud, Paolo Laj, Kay Weinhold, Kristina Plauškaitė, Steigvilė Byčenkienė   


New insights from seasonal and weekly evolutions of aerosol absorption properties and their association with PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations at a central Mediterranean site   

Dalila Peccarrisi, Salvatore Romano, Mattia Fragola, Alessandro Buccolieri, Gianluca Quarta, Lucio Calcagnile             


Assessing Characteristics and Variability of Fluorescent Aerosol Particles: Comparison of Two Case Studies in Southeastern Italy Using a Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor           

Mattia Fragola, Dalila Peccarrisi,Salvatore Romano ,Gianluca Quarta, Lucio Calcagnile     


Multiparameter Detection of Summer Open Fire Emissions: The Case Study of GAW Regional Observatory of Lamezia Terme (Southern Italy)

Luana Malacaria, Domenico Parise, Teresa Lo Feudo, Elenio Avolio, Ivano Ammoscato, Daniel Gullì, Salvatore Sinopoli, Paolo Cristofanelli, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Francesco D’Amico, Claudia Roberta Calidonna          


Anthropic-Induced Variability of Greenhouse Gasses and Aerosols at the WMO/GAW Coastal Site of Lamezia Terme (Calabria, Southern Italy): Towards a New Method to Assess the Weekly Distribution of Gathered Data         

Francesco D’Amico, Ivano Ammoscato, Daniel Gullì, Elenio Avolio, Teresa Lo Feudo, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Paolo Cristofanelli, Luana Malacaria, Domenico Parise, Salvatore Sinopoli, Giorgia De Benedetto, Claudia Roberta Calidonna


Trends in CO, CO2, CH4, BC, and NOx during the First 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown: Source Insights from the WMO/GAW Station of Lamezia Terme (Calabria, Southern Italy)            

Francesco D’Amico, Ivano Ammoscato, Daniel Gullì, Elenio Avolio, Teresa Lo Feudo, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Paolo Cristofanelli, Luana Malacaria, Domenico Parise, Salvatore Sinopoli, Giorgia De Benedetto, Claudia Roberta Calidonna


Cyclic and multi-year characterization of surface ozone at the WMO/GAW coastal station of Lamezia Terme (Calabria, Southern Italy): implications for local environment, cultural heritage, and human health

Francesco D’Amico, Daniel Gullì, Teresa Lo Feudo, Ivano Ammoscato, Elenio Avolio, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Paolo Cristofanelli, Maurizio Busetto, Luana Malacaria, Domenico Parise, Salvatore Sinopoli, Giorgia De Benedetto, Claudia Roberta Calidonna   


Ruthenium isotopes show the Chicxulub impactor was a carbonaceous-type asteroid

Fischer-Gödde M., Tusch J., Goderis S., Bragagni A., Mohr-Westheide T., Messling N., Elfers B.-M., Schmitz B., Reimold W. U., Maier W. D., Claeys P., Koeberl C., Tissot F. L. H., Bizzarro M. and Münker C.      


Coupling palaeobiology and geochemistry from the Holocene of the southern Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Manfredonia, Italy): Shelf facies patterns and eutrophication trends

Veronica Rossi, Irene Sammartino, Claudio Pellegrini, Giulia Barbieri, Chiara Teodoro, Fabio Trincardi, Alessandro Amorosi


On depositional processes governing along-strike facies variations of fine-grained deposits: Unlocking the Little Ice Age subaqueous clinothems on the Adriatic shelf.              

Pellegrini, C., Sammartino, I., Schieber, J., Tesi, T., Paladini de Mendoza, F., Rossi, V., Chiggiato, J., Schroeder, K., Gallerani, A., Langone, L., Trincardi, F. and Amorosi, A.    


New perspectives on offshore groundwater exploration through integrated sequence-stratigraphy and source-to-sink analysis: Insights from the late Quaternary succession of the western Central Adriatic system, Italy   

Campo B.; Pellegrini C.; Sammartino I.; Trincardi F.; Amorosi A.


Predicting natural arsenic enrichment in peat-bearing, alluvial and coastal depositional systems: A generalized model based on sequence stratigraphy

Amorosi A.; Sammartino I.  


Central Mediterranean tephrochronology for the time interval 250–315 ka derived from the Fucino sediment succession       



New constraints on the Middle-Late Pleistocene Campi Flegrei explosive activity and Mediterranean tephrostratigraphy (~160 ka and 110–90 ka)             

Giada Fernandez, Biagio Giaccio, Antonio Costa, Lorenzo Monaco, Sebastien Nomade, Paul G. Albert, Alison Pereira, Molly Flynn, Niklas Leicher, Federico Lucchi, Paola Petrosino, Danilo M. Palladino, Alfonsa Milia, Donatella Domenica Insinga, Sabine Wulf, Rebecca Kearney, Daniel Veres, Diana Jordanova, Maria Luisa Putignano, Roberto Isaia, Gianluca Sottili


Constraining the end of the Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) relative sea-level highstand in central Mediterranean: New data from Grotta delle Capre, central Italy       

Biagio Giaccio, Monica Bini, Ilaria Isola, Hsun-Ming Hu, Mario Federico Rolfo, Shen Chuan-Chou, Angelica Ferracci, Lorenzo Monaco, Francesca Pasquetti, Giovanni Zanchetta 


40Ar/39Ar geochronologic and paleoenvironmental constraints to glacial termination III and MIS 7e, 7c, and 7a sea level fluctuations on the Tyrrhenian Sea coast of Italy 

Bulian, F. Marra, L. Monaco, D.M. Palladino, D. Scarponi, J. Sevink, P. Vannoli, M. Cervellieri, B.R. Jicha, I. Mazzini, S. Nomade, A. Pereira, A. Sposato


The Lost MIS 11c Mammalian Fauna from Via dell’Impero (Rome, Italy)           

Maria Rita Palombo, Biagio Giaccio, Lorenzo Monaco, Roberta Martino, Marina Amanatidou and Luca Pandolfi       


Influence of changing water mass circulation on detrital component and carbon burial of late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments in the eastern-central Mid-Adriatic deep               

Ivan Razum, Ozren Hasan, Dea Brunovic, Hartmut Schulz, Nikolina Ilijanic, Gordana Beg Paklar, Arne Ramisch, Biagio Giaccio, Martina Sparica Miko, Lorenzo Monaco, Slobodan Miko


The recent evolution of the salt marsh ‘Pantano Grande’ (NE Sicily, Italy): interplay between natural and human activity over the last 3700 years             



Estimating ocean currents from the joint reconstruction of absolute dynamic topography and sea surface temperature through deep learning algorithms  

Ciani, C. Fanelli, B. Buongiorno Nardelli 


Unveiling the relationship between Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclones and rising Sea Surface Temperature      

Avolio, C. Fanelli, A. Pisano, M.M. Miglietta 


Deep Learning for Super-Resolution of Mediterranean Sea Surface Temperature

Fields  C. Fanelli, D. Ciani, A. Pisano, B. Buongiorno Nardelli     


Using a Combination of High-Frequency Coastal Radar Dataset and Satellite Imagery to Study the Patterns Involved in the Coastal Countercurrent Events in the Gulf of Cadiz       

Fanelli, J.J. Gomiz-Pascual, M. Bruno-Mejías, G. Navarro 


Anomalous 2022 deep water formation and intense phytoplankton bloom in the Cretan area   

Teruzzi, A. Aydogdu, C. Amadio, E. Clementi, S. Colella, V. Di Biagio, M. Drudi, C. Fanelli, L. Feudale, A. Grandi, P. Miraglio, A. Pisano, J. Pistoia, M. Reale, S. Salon, G. Volpe, G. Cossarini 


The state of the ocean in the northeastern Atlantic and adjacent seas K.

 Schuckmann, L. Moreira, M. Cancet, F. Gues, E. Autret, A. Aydogdu, L. Castrillo, D. Ciani, A. Cipollone, E. Clementi, G. Cossarini, A. de Pascual-Collar, V. De Toma, M. Gehlen, R. Giesen, M. Drevillon, C. Fanelli, K. Hodges, S. Jandt-Scheelke, E. Jansen, M. Juza, I. Karagali, P. Lagemaa, V. Lien, L. Lima, V. Lyubartsev, I. Maljutenko, S. Masina, R. McAdam, P. Miraglio, H. Morrison, T. R. Panteleit, A. Pisano, M.-I. Pujol, U. Raudsepp, R. Raj, A. Stoffelen, S. Van Gennip, P. Veillard, and C. Yang          


The state of the global ocean           

von Schuckmann, L. Moreira, M. Cancet, F. Gues, E. Autret, J. Baker, C. Bricaud, R. Bourdalle-Badie, L. Castrillo, L. Cheng, F. Chevallier, D. Ciani, A. de Pascual-Collar, V. De Toma, M. Drevillon, C. Fanelli, G. Garric, M. Gehlen, R. Giesen, K. Hodges, D. Iovino, S. Jandt-Scheelke, E. Jansen, M. Juza, I. Karagali, T. Lavergne, S. Masina, R. McAdam, A. Minière, H. Morrison, T. Rebekka Panteleit, A. Pisano, Ma.-I. Pujol, A. Stoffelen, S. Thual, S. Van Gennip, P. Veillard, C. Yang, and H. Zuo


Spatiotemporal changes of pelagic food webs investigated by environmental DNA metabarcoding and connectivity analysis   

Daniele Bellardini, Luca Russo, Viviana Di Tuccio, Daniele De Luca, Gabriele Del Gaizo, Gianpaolo Zampicinini, Florian Kokoszka, Vincenzo Botte, Francesco Colloca, Fabio Conversano, Pasquale De Luca, Daniele Iudicone, Francesca Margiotta, Simona Saviano, Paolo Vassallo, Daniela Cianelli and Domenico D’Alelio            


Improved Surface Currents from Altimeter-Derived and Sea Surface Temperature Observations: Application to the NorthAtlantic Ocean  

Ciani, D., Asdar, S., & Buongiorno Nardelli, B.      


3D reconstruction of horizontal and vertical quasi-geostrophic currents in the North Atlantic Ocean             

Asdar, S., Ciani, D., & Buongiorno Nardelli, B.      


Phytoplankton spring bloom inhibited by marine heatwaves in the North‐Western Mediterranean Sea  

Li M., Organelli E., Serva F., Bellacicco M., Landolfi A., Pisano A., Marullo S., Shen F., A. Mignot, van Gennip S., R. Santoleri     

https://doi. org/10.1029/2024GL109141

Marine Heatwaves in the Mediterranean Sea: A Literature Review         

Darmaraki S., Denaxa, D., Theodorou, I., Livanou, E., Rigatou, D., Raitsos E., D., Stavrakidis-Zachou, O., Dimarchopoulou, D., Bonino, G., McAdam, R., Organelli, E., Pitsouni , A., & Parasyris, A.


Near-surface particulate backscattering observations with bio-optical Lagrangian drifters

Marco Bellacicco, Jaime Pitarch, Emanuele Organelli, Maria Laura Zoffoli, Javier A Concha, Federico Falcini, Mengyu Li, Salvatore Marullo, Marie-Helene Rio, Rosalia Santoleri, Luca R Centurioni          


A Process-Based Approach to Guide the Observational Strategies for the Assessment of the Marine Environment    

Pier Francesco Moretti, Domenico D’Alelio, Aldo Drago, Jaime Pitarch, Patrick Roose, Isa Schoen, Mario Sprovieri, Federico Falcini


Detecting centennial changes in the clarity and colour of the Red and Eastern Mediterranean Seas by retracting the “Pola” expeditions             

Jonathan R Heath, Robert JW Brewin, Jaime Pitarch, Dionysios E Raitsos


A hyperspectral and multi-angular synthetic dataset for algorithm development in waters of varying trophic levels and optical complexity            

Jaime Pitarch, Vittorio E. Brando    


On the transition from single- to multi-humped internal solitary waves             

La Forgia Giovanni, Sciortino Giampiero, Lombardi Valentina, Prestininzi, Pietro


Modelling the impact of a dam-break wave on a vertical wall    

Andrea Del Gaudio, Giovanni La Forgia, George Constantinescu, Francesco De Paola, Cristiana Di Cristo, Michele Iervolino, Angelo Leopardi, Andrea Vacca


Dam-Break waves over mobile bed             

Andrea Del Gaudio, Giovanni La Forgia, Francesco De Paola, Cristiana Di Cristo, Michele Iervolino, Angelo Leopardi, Andrea Vacca           


Geomorphic processes within the La Gomera-Tenerife Channel (Canary Islands): Decoding the interaction of bottom currents with seabed topography

Martorelli, F. Falcini, G. La Forgia, A. Bosman, M. Cuffaro, L. Petracchini https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107406

The generation of multi-humped ISWs

La Forgia Giovanni, Sciortino Giampiero, Lombardi Valentina, Prestininzi, Pietro


Exploring the potential of Aeolus lidar mission for ocean color applications   

Dionisi, S. Bucci, C. Cesarini, S. Colella, D. D’Alimonte, L. Di Ciolo, P. Di Girolamo, M. Di Paolantonio, N. Franco, G. Gostinicchi, G. Giuliano, T. Kajiyama, E. Organelli, R. Santoleri, G. L. Liberti,


Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust Event across the European Continent in Spring 2022             

C.-A. Papanikolaou, A. Papayannis, M. Gidarakou, S. F. Abdullaev, N. Ajtai, H. Baars, D. Balis, D. Bortoli, J. A. Bravo–Aranda, M. Collaud-Coen, B. De Rosa, D. Dionisi, K. Eleftheratos, R. Engelmann, A. A. Floutsi, J. Abril–Gago, P. Goloub, G. Giuliano, P. Gumà–Claramunt, J. Hofer, Q. Hu, M. Komppula, E. Marinou, G. Martucci, I. Mattis, K. Michailidis, C. Muñoz–Porcar, M. Mylonaki, M. Mytilinaios, D. Nicolae, A. Rodríguez–Gómez, V. Salgueiro, X. Shang, I. S. Stachlewska, H. I. S, tefănie, D. M. Szczepanik, T. Trickl, H. Vogelmann, K. A. Voudouri


Lidar system upgrade at Atmospheric Rome joinT supersitE (ARTE)     

Giuliano, D. Dionisi, M. Di Paolantonio, and G. L. Liberti

Lidar system upgrade at Atmospheric Rome joinT supersitE (ARTE)     

Giuliano, D. Dionisi, M. Di Paolantonio, and G. L. Liberti

31st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), 23−28 giugno 2024, Landshut

CO2 profiling in the lower troposphere using the Raman lidar technique: preliminary results

Di Paolantonio, D. Dionisi, A. Di Bernardino, T. Di Iorio, N. Franco, G. Giuliano, A. M. Iannarelli, G. L. Liberti, D. Summa, and P. Di Girolamo

Proceedings publication in progress.

Assessing the Ocean Color observation capability of the CALIGOLA mission: the PROTEO project         

Dionisi, M. Di Paolantonio, E. D’Acunzo, G. Giuliano, G. L. Liberti, G. Volpe, N. Franco, A. Andrisani, S. Venafra, S. Zoffoli, and P. Di Girolamo

Proceedings publication in progress.

Observations of an Unprecedented Saharan Dust Event Across the European Continent During Spring 2022         

C.-A. Papanikolaou, A. Papayannis, M. Gidarakou, S. F. Abdullaev, N. Ajtai, D. Bortoli, J. A. Bravo–Aranda, M. Collaud-Coen, D. Dionisi, R. Engelmann, A. A. Floutsi, P. Goloub, J. L. Gerrero-Rascado, J. Hofer, Q. Hu, M. Komppula, E. Marinou, G. Martucci, I. Mattis, K. Michailidis, C. Muñoz–Porcar, M. Mytilinaios, D. Nicolae, G. Giuliano, B. De Rosa, A. Rodríguez–Gómez, V. Salgueiro, X. Shang, I. S. Stachlewska, H. I. S, tefănie, D. M. Szczepanik, T. Trickl, H. Vogelmann, and K. A. Voudouri             

Unraveling the non-homogeneous dispersion processes in ocean and coastal circulations using a clustering approach  

Lagomarsino-Oneto, D., De Leo, A., Stocchino, A., Cucco, A.


Assessment of OMA Gap-Filling Performances for Multiple and Single Coastal HF Radar Systems: Validation with Drifter Data in the Ligurian Sea

Corgnati, L.; Berta, M.; Kokkini, Z.; Mantovani, C.; Magaldi, M.G.; Molcard, A.; Griffa, A.


Extracting Mediterranean Hidden Fishing Hotspots Through Big Data Mining 

Coro, G., Pavirani, L., Ellenbroek, A.            


An ocean practices maturity model: from good to best practices

Mantovani C, Pearlman J, Rubio A, Przeslawski R, Bushnell M, Simpson P, Corgnati L, Alvarez E, Cosoli S and Roarty H          


Marine Science Can Contribute to the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Life

Aguzzi, J., Cuadros, J., Dartnell, L., Costa, C., Violino, S., Canfora, L., Danovaro, R., Robinson, N. J., Giovannelli, D., Flögel, S., Stefanni, S., Chatzievangelou, D., Marini, S., Picardi, G., Foing, B.


Automated species classification and counting by deep-sea mobile crawler platforms using YOLO           

Ortenzi L., Aguzzi J., Costa C., Marini S., D’Agostino D., Thomsen L., De Leo F. C., Correa P. V., Chatzievangelou D     


Lagrangian characterization of the southwestern Atlantic from a dense surface drifter deployment    

Saraceno M., Bodnariuk N., Ruiz-Etcheverry L. A., Berta M., Simionato C. G., Beron-Vera F. J., Olascoaga M. J.     


L’Infrastuttura di Ricerca DiSSCo (Distributed System of Scientific Collections): il ruolo di ISMAR e le prospettive di sviluppo             

Armeli Minicante, E. Camatti, L. Capotondi, E. Di Russo, R. D’Onofrio, L. Ferraro, L. Giordano, V. Grande, I. Guarneri, F. Maggiore, S. Redolfi Bristol, M. Sigovini   

https://doi.org/10.26383/CNR- ISMAR.2024.3

A DNA barcode inventory of the genus Ulva (Chlorophyta) along two Italian regions: updates and considerations         

Armeli Minicante, J. T. Melton III, D. Spagnuolo, A. Manghisi, G. Genovese, M. Morabito, J. Lopez-Bautista


The Aquatic Natural Collections of the CNR-ISMAR. Guidelines for biological metadata management- v.1             

Armeli Minicante, E. Di Russo, R. D’Onofrio, M. Sigovini, E. Camatti, L. Capotondi, I. Conese, L. Ferraro, L. Giordano, V. Grande, I. Guarneri, F. Maggiore 10.26383/CNR-ISMAR.2024.10

Sea level and temperature extremes in a regulated Lagoon of Venice  Ferrarin, C., D. Bonaldo, A. Bergamasco, and M. Ghezzo          


Natural and shipping underwater sound distribution in the Northern Adriatic Sea basin and possible application on target areas   

Ghezzo, M., A. Petrizzo, F. Madricardo, T. Folegot, R. Gallou, D. Clorennec, R. Chavanne, E. Hemon, C. Ferrarin, H. Mihanović, K. Pikelj, M. Bastianini, A. Pari, S. Pari, S. Menegon, W. J. McKiver, G. Farella, S. Bosi, A. Barbanti, and M. Picciulin


Sea level rise in Europe: Impacts and consequences     

van de Wal, R. S. W., A. Melet, D. Bellafiore, M. Vousdoukas, P. Camus, C. Ferrarin, G. Oude Essink, I. D. Haigh, P. Lionello, A. Luijendijk, A. Toimil, and J. Staneva           


Suspended sediment dynamics at the inlets of Venice Lagoon: Unraveling the effects of storm surges and mobile barrier operations   

Scarpa, G. M., Davison, S., Manfè, G., Lorenzetti, G., Zaggia, L., & Braga, F.


Water Discharge and Sediment Transport from the Dese River Estuary to the Venice Lagoon (Italy): Annual Dynamics and the Influence of Floods. 

Zonta, R., Lorenzetti, G., Manfè, G., Leoni, S., Scarpa G. M., Zaggia, L., Bendrocchio, C., Cerni, M., Dominik, J.     


First thermographic survey within the Euganean thermal district (Italy) with an unmanned aerial vehicle

Luca Peruzzo, Andrea Berton, Michele Crivellaro, Cristina Da Lio, Sandra Donnici, Paolo Fabbri, Gian Marco Scarpa, Fabio Tateo, Luca Zaggia, Andrea Fasson


Assessing CAMS capability to forecast PM2.5 and PM10 hourly concentrations in a European air quality hotspot         

Giovanni Gualtieri, Lorenzo Brilli; Federico Carotenuto; Alice Cavaliere; Beniamino Gioli; Tommaso Giordano; Simone Putzolu; Carolina Vagnoli; Alessandro Zaldei     

Recent changes of the dissolved oxygen distribution in the deep convection cell of the southern Adriatic Sea             

Martellucci, R.; Menna, M.; Mauri, E.; Pirro, A.; Gerin, R.; Paladini de Mendoza, F.; Garic, R.; Batistic, M.; di Biagio, V.; Giordano, P.; et al.


A multi observation analysis of the 2017 dense water formation events: climate change, bottom density currents and Adriatic-Ionian Sea circulation (Mediterranean Sea).            

Riccardo Martellucci,Francesco Paladini de Mendoza,Milena Menna,Annunziata Pirro,Marco Reale,Miroslav Gačić,Pierre-Marie Poulain,Francesco riminucci,Le Meur Julien,Patrizia Giordano,Leonardo Langone,Vanessa R. Cardin,Carolina Cantoni,Caterina Bergami,Federica Grilli,Mauro Marini,Antonella Gallo,Giulio Notarstefano,Simone Toller,Mauro Bastianini,Martina Kralj,Tommaso Diociaiuti,Massimo Pacciaroni,Antonio Bussani,Elena Mauri,Stefano Miserocchi              


EMSO Eric Metadata Harmonization Efforts          

Martínez, Enoc; Libes, Maurice; Fratianni, Claudia; Partescano, Elena; Cociancich, Alexia; Pensieri, Sara; Paladini de Mendoza, Francesco; Rodero, Ivan https://dx.doi.org/10.13127/MISC/80/36

Lidar system upgrade at Atmospheric Rome joinT supersitE (ARTE)     

Giuliano, D. Dionisi, M. Di Paolantonio, and G. L. Liberti 

31st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC)

CO2 profiling in the lower troposphere using the Raman lidar technique: preliminary results

Di Paolantonio, D. Dionisi, A. Di Bernardino, T. Di Iorio, N. Franco, G. Giuliano, A. M. Iannarelli, G. L. Liberti, D. Summa, and P. Di Girolamo “Proceedings publication in progress.

31st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), 23−28 giugno 2024, Landshut”

Observations of an Unprecedented Saharan Dust Event Across the European Continent During Spring 2022         

C.-A. Papanikolaou, A. Papayannis, M. Gidarakou, S. F. Abdullaev, N. Ajtai, D. Bortoli, J. A. Bravo–Aranda, M. Collaud-Coen, D. Dionisi, R. Engelmann, A. A. Floutsi, P. Goloub, J. L. Gerrero-Rascado, J. Hofer, Q. Hu, M. Komppula, E. Marinou, G. Martucci, I. Mattis, K. Michailidis, C. Muñoz–Porcar, M. Mytilinaios, D. Nicolae, G. Giuliano, B. De Rosa, A. Rodríguez–Gómez, V. Salgueiro, X. Shang, I. S. Stachlewska, H. I. S, tefănie, D. M. Szczepanik, T. Trickl, H. Vogelmann, and K. A. Voudouri             

31st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), 23−28 giugno 2024, Landshut”

Assessing the Ocean Color observation capability of the CALIGOLA mission: the PROTEO project         

Dionisi, M. Di Paolantonio, E. D’Acunzo, G. Giuliano, G. L. Liberti, G. Volpe, N. Franco, A. Andrisani, S. Venafra, S. Zoffoli, and P. Di Girolamo

31st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), 23−28 giugno 2024, Landshut”

Carbohydrate Conversion in Spent Coffee Grounds: Pretreatment Strategies and Novel Enzymatic Cocktail to Produce Value-Added Saccharides and Prebiotic Mannooligosaccharides      

Ali Shaikh-Ibrahim, Nicola Curci, Federica De Lise, Oriana Sacco, Mauro Di Fenza, Stefany Castaldi, Rachele Isticato, André Oliveira, José P. S. Aniceto, Carlos M. Silva, Luísa Seuanes Serafim,  Kristian B. R. M. Kroghf, Marco Moracci, Beatrice Cobucci-Ponzano


Promoting sustainable food systems: An empirical analysis of local Food Hub governance models and structures in 12 African settings.          

Carloni, E., Giordano, C., Di Fiore, G. N., Mulazzani, L., Setti, M., Falasconi, L., & Govigli, V. M.


CIAO observatory main upgrade: building up an ACTRIS compliant aerosol in-situ laboratory.

Laurita, T., Mauceri, A., Cardellicchio, F., Lapenna, E., De Rosa, B., Trippetta, S., Mytilinaios, M., Amodio, D., Giunta, A., Ripepi, E., Colangelo, C., Papagiannopoulos, N., Morrongiello, F., Dema, C., Gagliardi, S., Cornacchia, C., Petracca Altieri, R. M., Amodeo, A., Rosoldi, M., Summa, D., Pappalardo, G., and Mona, L.          


Observations of Saharan dust intrusions over Potenza, southern Italy, during 13 years of lidar measurements: seasonal variability of optical properties and radiative impact.       

Benedetto De Rosa, Michail Mytilinaios, Aldo Amodeo, Canio Colangelo, Giuseppe D’Amico, Claudio Dema, Ilaria Gandolfi, Aldo Giunta, Pilar Gumà-Claramunt, Teresa Laurita, Simone Lolli, Nikolaos Papagiannopoulos, Christina–Anna Papanikolaou, Marco Rosoldi, Donato Summa, Lucia Mona        

ICOS Potenza (Italy) Atmospheric Station: A New Spot for the Observation of Greenhouse Gases in the Mediterranean Basin  

Lapenna, A. Buono, A. Mauceri, I. Zaccardo, F. Cardellicchio, F. D’Amico, T. Laurita, D. Amodio, C. Colangelo, G. Di Fiore, A. Gorga, E. Ripepi, F. De Benedictis, S. Pirelli, L. Capozzo, V. Lapenna, G. Pappalardo, S. Trippetta, L. Mona.


Heat stress reduces stomatal numbers in Ginkgo biloba: implications for the stomatal method of palaeo-atmospheric [CO2] reconstruction during episodes of global warming

Carli A., Centritto M., Materassi A., Killi D., Marino G., Raschi A. & Haworth M.


Applications and perspectives of Generative Artificial Intelligence       

Federico Pallottino, Simona Violino, Simone Figorilli, Catello Pane, ,Jacopo Aguzzi, Giacomo Colle and Eugenio, Alessandro Montaghi, Damianos Chatzievangelou, Francesca Antonucci,  Lavinia Moscovini, Alessandro Mei, Corrado Costa, Luciano Ortenzi


Towards an enhanced metric for detecting vertical flow decoupling in eddy covariance flux observations    

Peltola, O., Aslan, T., Aurela, M., Lohila, A., Mammarella, I., Papale, D., Thomas, C.K., Vesala, T., Laurila, T.   


Impact of drought on cooling capacity and carbon sequestration in urban green area

Guidolotti G., Zenone T., Endreny T., Pace R., Ciolfi M., Mattioni M., Pallozzi E.,  Rezaie N., Bertolini T., Corradi C., Calfapietra C.


Continuous δ13C-CO2 and δ13C-CH4 measurements in the atmosphere – data gathered at Lamezia Terme (Calabria, Southern Italy) between July and December 2024         

Claudia R. Calidonna, Francesco D’Amico, Ivano Ammoscato, Luana Malacaria, Daniel Gullì, Teresa Lo Feudo, Salvatore Sinopoli, Giorgia De Benedetto, Lucia Mona, Claudio Dema, Ermann Ripepi        


Integrated surface and tropospheric column analysis of sulfur dioxide variability at the Lamezia Terme WMO/GAW regional station in Calabria, Southern Italy

Francesco D’Amico, Teresa Lo Feudo, Daniel Gullì, Ivano Ammoscato, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Luana Malacaria, Salvatore Sinopoli, Giorgia De Benedetto, Claudia Roberta Calidonna


RETE NAZIONALE SITI OSSERVATIVI MARINI del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Angela Pomaro, Mauro Bastianini, Marco Bellacicco, Debora Bellafiore, Federico Bellati, Alvise Benetazzo, Caterina Bergami, Maristella Berta, Carolina Cantoni, Jacopo Chiggiato, Simone Colella, Lorenzo Corgnati, Silvio Davison, Francesca De Pascalis, Davide Dionisi, Luca Gasperini, Giovanni La Forgia, Gianluigi Liberti, Marcello Magaldi, Carlo Mantovani, Fabio Matano, Emanuele Organelli, Fabio Raicich, Katrin Schroeder, Giuseppe Stanghellini, Gianluca Volpe        


Observations and generation of internal waves in the Strait of Sicily    

Bignami, F., Alpers, W., Cavaliere, D., La Forgia, G., Sannino,


Comparison of correction methods for bidirectional effects in ocean color remote sensing

Davide D’Alimonte, Tamito Kajiyama, Jaime Pitarch, Vittorio Brando, Marco Talone, Constant Mazeran, Michael Twardowski, Srinivas Kolluru, Alberto Tonizzo, Ewa Kwiatkowska, David Dessailly and Juan Ignacio Gossn    

Accurate estimation of photosynthetic available radiation from multispectral downwelling irradiance profiles      

Jaime Pitarch, Edouard Leymarie, Vincenzo Vellucci, Luca Massi, Hervé Claustre, Antoine Poteau, David Antoine, Emanuele Organelli       

Real-Time Quality Assessment for BGC-Argo Radiometric Profiles       

Giovanni La Forgia and Emanuele Organelli   

Submitted to Limnology and Oceaanography Methods

Life advected in oligotrophic waters            

Giovanni La Forgia and Emanuele Organelli

Aerosol properties in Europe: quality assured EARLINET−ACTRIS lidar observations during 2015−2023     

Nicolae, C. Talianu, J. Vasilescu, V. Nicolae, L. Belegante, A. Nemuc, A. Dandocsi, I. S. Stachlewska, D. M. Szczepanik, L. Janicka, A. Hafiz, A. Papayannis, V. Amiridis, E. Marinou, D. Bortoli, V. Salgueiro, L. Mona, N. Papagiannopoulos, A. Amodeo, G. D’Amico, M. Mitilinaios, B. De Rosa, C. Dema, H. Baars, A. A. Floutsi, R. Engelmann, B. Heese, J. Hofer, A. Skupin, D. Althausen, M. Haarig, D. Balis, K. A. Voudouri, K. Michailidis, J. L. Baray, R. E. Mamouri, A. Nisantzi, N. Ajtai, H. I. Stefănie, X. Shang, M. Filioglou, M. Komppula, M. Iarlori, V. Rizi, Q. Hu, P. Goloub, A. Sannino, M. Di Paolantonio, G. Giuliano, A. Szkop, A. Pietruczuk, A. Boselli, S. Romano, L. Calcagnile, T. Trickl, H. Vogelmann, M. Posyniak, D. Wang

Computing ecosystem risk hotspots: a mediterranean case study       

Coro, G., Pavirani, L., Ellenbroek, A.            


Mechanisms of the Overturning Circulation in the Northern Red Sea, more than Convective Mixing    

Eyouni, L., Kokkini, Z., Zarokanellos, N. D., Jones, B. H. 


Crps-Net: A Novel Framework for Ai-Assisted Meteo-Marine Ensemble Forecasting 

Cavaiola, M., Lagomarsino-Oneto, D., Mazzino, A.           


Underwater Mediterranean image analysis based on the compute continuum paradigm

Ferrari M., D’Agostino D., Aguzzi J., Marini S., 


Interazione acque continentali – acque marine, in Siccità, scarsità e crisi idriche, edited by I. P. Emanuele Romano, Habitat signa 1            

Ferrarin, C., D. Bellafiore, V. Giampaolo, R. Masciale, and G. Passarella


Approximate near-real-time assessment of some characteristic parameters of the spring ozone depletion over Antarctica using ground-based measurements              

Boyan H. Petkov, Vito Vitale, Piero Di Carlo, Héctor A. Ochoa, Adriana Gulisano, Iona L. Coronato, Kamil Láska, Ivan Kostadinov, Angelo Lupi, Mauro Mazzola, Alice Cavaliere, Claudia Frangipani, Giulio Verazzo, Simone Pulimeno              


Effect of ozone exposure on fruit consumption by the Eurasian magpie Pica pica in a suburban environment;

Viviano A, Mori E, Manzini J, Paoletti E, Hoshika Y, Moura B;

Status and Development of the Italian Polar Repository;

Chiara Ripa, Giulio Verazzo, Alice Cavaliere, Alberto Salvati,  Antonino Principato, Mauro Mazzola, Vito Vitale;

Polar Data Forum V.

Bacterial viability and air quality: quantitative studies at the ChAMBRe atmospheric simulation chamber;

Vernocchi, M. Brunoldi, E. Gatta, D. Massabò, F. Parodi, P. Prati;

EAC2023 – European Aerosol Conference .

BLAnCA: an innovative instrument for full-spectrum light absorption measurements on carbonaceous aerosol;

Solabella, T., Bernardoni, V., Brunoldi, M., Parodi, F., Prati, P., Vernocchi, V., and Massabò, D.;

International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere ICCPA 2023.

Bacterial viability and air quality: experimental approach and results at the atmospheric simulation chamber ChAMBRe;

 Abd El E., Brunoldi M., Gatta E., Massabò D., Mazzei F., Parodi F., Vernocchi V., Prati P.;

Science for the Planet SCI-PLANET.

Climate change: a paleontological approach

University of Calabria PhD Day – I Edition Francesco D’Amico

Agents of climate change: a paleontological point of view;

 Francesco D’Amico, Claudia Roberta Calidonna, Carmine Apollaro, Giovanni Vespasiano, Adriano Guido

PaleoDays 2023 – Conference of the Italian Paleontological Society



Refining the chronological framework of MIS 5c-d millennial climate variability using 40Ar/39Ar and proximal-distal correlations of Mediterranean tephra units erupted from Campi Flegrei, southern Italy            

Monaco, L., Palladino, D.M., Albert, P.G., Arienzo, I., Conticelli, S., di Vito, M., Fabbrizio, A., D’Antonio, M., Isaia, R., Manning, C.J., Nomade, S., Pereira, A., Petrosino, P., Sottili, G., Sulpizio, R., Zanchetta, G, Giaccio, B. 


The historical temperature and salinity time series augmented with microstructure profiles: what can we learn from short-term turbulence observations to inform the long-term analyses

Florian Kokoszka, Francesca Margiotta, Maurizio Ribera d’Alcalá, and Daniele Iudicone


BGC-Argo floats and Earth Observation to assess the impact of marine heatwaves on phytoplankton communities in the NW Mediterranean Sea (The CAREHeat project)   

Mengyu Li, Emanuele Organelli, Marco Bellacicco, Angela Landolfi, Federico Serva, Andrea Pisano, Salvatore Marullo, Rosalia Santoleri       

EC-ESA Earth System Science Initiative 2023


Prisma-Based Advanced Prototype Products: An Overview       

Tricomi,. N. Acito., A. Aiello., S. Amici., A. Amodio., F. Braga., M. Bresciani., R. Casa., G. Ceriola., G. Corsini., V. De Pasquale., M. Diani., A. Fabbretto., C. Giardino., G. Laneve., V. Lombardo., S. Matteoli., S. Mirzaei., M. Musacchio., M. Palandri., S. Pascucci., L. Pietranera., S. Pignatti., P. Sacco., G.M. Scarpa., R.U. Shaik., C. Spinetti., D. Tapete.,        

IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IGARSS)

2nd ITINERIS General Meeting, Rome 10 July 2024


CIAO – CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory: first intensive aerosol remote sensing and in-situ integration campaign;

Laurita, F. Cardellicchio, E. Lapenna, S. Trippetta, D. Amodio, A. Amodeo, A. Giunta, N. Papagiannopoulos, N. G. Di Fiore, M. Rosoldi, G. D’Amico, L. Mona;


CIAO – CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory: first in-situ measurements in conjunction with aerosol profiling;

T.Laurita, F. Cardellicchio, E. Lapenna, S. Trippetta, D. Amodio, L. Mona;

ACTRIS Science Conference 2024.

Towards the development of an XRF setup for the Near-Real-Time measurement of low-Z elements in atmospheric aerosol samples;

Cosimo Fratticioli, Giulia Calzolai, Fabio Giardi, Franco Lucarelli, Anna Mazzinghi, Silvia Nava, Chiara Ruberto, Francesco Taccetti, Massimo Chiari;

Actris Science Conference 2024.

Update from the novel LIDAR at Atmospheric Rome joinT supersitE (ARTE);

Giovanni Giuliano, Davide Dionisi, Marco Di Paolantonio, Gian Luigi Liberti;

ACTRIS Science Conference 2024, 13-16 May 2024, Rennes, France.

Modernization of a multiple-mirror lidar at Atmospheric Rome joinT supersitE (ARTE) for ACTRIS NF labelling;

Giovanni Giuliano, Gian Luigi Liberti, Marco Di Paolantonio, Davide Dionisi;

2nd ITINERIS General Project Meeting,  9-10 July 2024, CNR headquarters, Rome, Italy.

Investigation on the Impact of Ozone on Plants: Analysis of Visible Foliar Damage in an Experimental Infrastructure (Free air O3 eXposure – FO3X)

Marra E., Hoshika Y., Moura B.B. , Manzini J., Viviano, A., Lazzara, L., Paoletti E.;

ITINERIS Annual meeting.

FO3X: An Innovative Infrastructure for Studying the Effect of Ozone on Vegetation;

Lazzara L., Marra E., Hoshika Y., Moura B.B. , Manzini J., Viviano A., Materassi A., Fasano G., Paoletti E. ;

ITINERIS Annual meeting.

Ozone free air controlled experiments (FACE) for ozone risk evaluation on terrestrial ecosystems;

Elena Paoletti;


MWAA Model Toolkit – A Python and R implementation of the upgraded carbonaceous aerosol apportionment model;

Isolabella, T., Abd El, E., Brunoldi, M., Gatta, E., Irfan, M., Massabò, D., Mazzei, F., Parodi, F., Prati, P., and Vernocchi.V;

 V European Aerosol Conference EAC 2024

Bioaerosol and ChAMBRe: an atmospheric simulation chamber to study bacterial viability in different environmental conditions;

Mazzei, F., Abd El, E., Brunoldi, M., Gatta, E., Irfan, M., Isolabella, T., Massabò, D., Parodi, F., Prati, P., and Vernocchi;

European Aerosol Conference EAC 2024.

Interconfronto tra dati APS e OPS di aerosol monodisperso in una camera di simulazione atmosferica e generato da un flow focusing monodisperse aerosol generator (FMAG);

Mazzei, F., Brunoldi, M., Abd El, E., Gatta, E., Irfan, M., Isolabella, T., Massabò, D., Parodi, F., and Prati, P., Vernocchi, V;

XI Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico PM2024.

ChAMBRe: una facility flessibile per studiare gli aerosol atmosferici nel panorama ACTRIS;

Abd El, E., Brunoldi, M., Gatta, E., Irfan, M., Isolabella, T., Mazzei, F., Massabò, D., Parodi, F., and Prati, P., Vernocchi, V;

XI Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico PM2024.

BLAnCA: a new broadband light absorption spectrometer for complex aerosol developed at NF-INFN-ChAMBRe;

Isolabella, T., Bernardoni, V., Brunoldi, M., Irfan, M., Mazzei, F., Parodi, F., Prati, P., Vernocchi, V., and Massabò, D.;

2nd ITINERIS General Meeting.

Studies at ChAMBRe on the viability of bacterial strains versus NOx concentration;

Vernocchi, V., Abd El, E., Brunoldi, M., Gatta, E., Isolabella, T., Massabò, D., Mazzei, F., Parodi, F., and Prati, P;

2nd ITINERIS General Meeting.

Continuous CH4 carbon isotope measurements in Italy: preliminary results from the Lampedusa observatory (Strait of Sicily) and general outline of the developing cross-country network;

Francesco D’Amico, Tatiana Di Iorio, Giulia Zazzeri, Damiano Sferlazzo, Francesco Apadula, Paolo Cristofanelli, Claudia Roberta Calidonna, Ivano Ammoscato, Luana Malacaria, Salvatore Sinopoli, Lucia Mona, Alcide Giorgio di Sarra;

ICOS Science Conference 2024.

Atmospheric variability of carbon dioxide and methane at the Lamezia Terme (Southern Italy) WMO/GAW regional station;

Luana Malacaria, Domenico Parise, Teresa Lo Feudo, Elenio Avolio, Ivano Ammoscato, Daniel Gullì, Salvatore Sinopoli, Paolo Cristofanelli, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Francesco D’Amico, Giorgia De Benedetto, Claudia Roberta Calidonna;

ICOS Science Conference 2024.

EarthCARE validation measurements from Italian observatories at two central Mediterranean sites;

Adirosi, S. Argentini, F. Barnaba, A. Bracci, L. Di Liberto, F. Cairo, M. Campanelli, G. Casasanta, Montopoli, L. Baldini, G. L. Liberti, G. Giuliano, M. Di Paolantonio, D. Dionisi, G. Pace, F. Anello, V. Ciardini, L. De Silvestri, T. Di Iorio, et al.;

ATMOS 2024, 1-5 July 2024, Bologna, Italy.

The search for new atmospheric tracers;

Francesco D’Amico, Claudia Roberta Calidonna, Paolo Cristofanelli, Alcide Giorgio di Sarra, Giulia Zazzeri, Carmine Apollaro, Adriano Guido;

University of Calabria PhD Day – II Edition.

Determination of aerosol composition by ED-XRF on Teflon and quartz substrates: potentialities and limits;

Unga, G. Calzolai, M. Chiari, E. Cuccia, C. Colombi, M. Franciosa, A. Dinoi, E. Merico, A. Pennetta, N. Gomez Sánchez, C. Mapelli, S. Pareti, C. Perrino, E. Yubero, D. Contini;

European Aerosol Conference 2024.

IBISBA – Inspiring Biotech Solutions;

Mauro Di Fenza;

48th FEBS Congress.

IBISBA-IT: a digitalised distributed platform leveraging extremophiles for biomass valorisation in a transition towards a circular bioeconomy;

Mauro Di Fenza, Angela Capaccio, Nicola Curci, Federica De Lise, Beatrice Cobucci-Ponzano;

ITINERIS Annual meeting.

Cooperation and common activities in monitoring networks: the status of the European Research Infrastructures and the Italian test case in ITINERIS;

Dario Papale;

AmeriFlux Annual Meeting 2024.

An unintentional large-scale LUC & restoration experiment promoting a holistic approach: the new Castel Porziano research cluster;

Dario Papale, Gabriele Guidolotti, Giorgio MAtteucci, Michele Mattioni, Francesco Mazzenga, Emanuele Pallozzi, Irene Tunno, Carlo Calfapietra et al.;

ICOS Science Conference 2024.

Progetto ITINERIS Caratterizzazione dei trend di composizione dell’atmosfera;

Pennetta, E. Bloise, P. Semeraro, S. Potì, A. Dinoi, D. Cesari, G. Deluca, F. Unga, D. Contini;

European Researchers Night.

FoR2N: Italian AnaEE network of nitrogen manipulation experiments in mature deciduous forests;

Giulia Silvia Giberti, M Ventura, Luca Da Ros, R Tognetti, E Tomelleri, G Matteucci, F Mazzenga, Maurizio Iannuccilli, Alessandro Messeri, Riccardo Giusti , Damiano Gianelle, Mirco Rodeghiero, Federico Magnani, Dario Ravaioli, Rossella Guerrieri;

AnaEE – Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems – Science conference.


Protein-specific Challenge To The ER Quality Control     

Marianna PICCOLO; Camilla GOLTI; Lucrezia LUCIANI; Samuele AZZARELLI; Emanuela PEDRAZZINI         


DiSSCo: Enhancing Open Science with effortless knowledge exchange- Data modelling       

Fornaro E, Ianigro M, De Paola D, Tumolo M, Bucci G      


Make Diversity accessible: Integrating the Institute of Biosciences and BioResources genebank into national and European networks of biological collections to exploit the full potential of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture           

Fornaro E, Bucci G, De Paola G, Tumolo M             


Carbohydrate Valorization in Spent Coffee Grounds: Evaluating Pretreatments and Enzymatic Cocktail Effects on Oligo- and Monosaccharides Production 

Ali Shaikh Ibrahim, Nicola Curci, Federica De Lise, Oriana Sacco, Mauro Di Fenza, Luísa Seuanes Serafim, Kristian Krogh, Marco Moracci, Beatrice Cobucci Ponzano          


Biochemical characterization of a novel archaeal 4-α-glucanotransferase from Pyrobaculum arsenaticum: Insights into disproportionation and cyclization activity.            

Oriana Sacco, Yu Wang, Nicola Curci, Federica De Lise, Ali Shaikh Ibrahim, Mauro Di Fenza, Andrea Strazzulli, Marco Moracci, Birte Svensson, and Beatrice Cobucci-Ponzano


IBISBA – Inspiring Biotech Solutions            

Mauro Di Fenza, Beatrice Cobucci Ponzano, Marco Moracci, and the IBISBA consortium    


A new ICOS class 1 station at CNR-IMAA: starting the new infrastructure in the hearth of the Mediterranean basin

Emilio Lapenna, Isabella Zaccardo, Antonella Buono, Francesco Cardellicchio, Teresa Laurita, Serena Trippetta, Davide Amodio, Canio Colangelo, Aldo Giunta, Alessandro Mauceri, Ermann Ripepi, Lucia Mona             


ABLH retrievals using multi sensors approach     

Benedetto De Rosa, Giuseppe D’Amico, Aldo Amodeo, Marco Rosoldi, Nikolaos Papagiannopoulos, Donato Summa, Michail Mytilinaios, Pilar Gumà-Claramunt, Donato Summa, Ilaria Gandolfi, Fabrizio Marra, Lucia Mona     


Latent Heat Flux and TKE measurements from the combined use of Water Vapour Raman with a Wind Doppler Lidars during WaLiNeas Campaign           

Donato Summa, Giuseppe D’Amico, Ilaria Gandolfi, Marco Di Paolantonio, Davide Dionisi, Marco Rosoldi, Benedetto De Rosa, Paolo Di Girolamo            


Versatile applications of volatilome analysis across different matrices             

D’Esposito D., Monti M.M., Gualtieri L., Gargiulo S., Palomba F., Cangemi M., Loreto F., Mauro Centritto M. & Ruocco M.             


FAIR modular workflows for an open science plant phenotyping platform       

Fabbri A.P.M., Mazzoni S., Marino G., Haworth M., Palchetti V., Conte A., Montesano V., Atzori G., Menicucci F., Lazazzara V., Danzi D. & Centritto M.  


Phenotyping the impact of water deficit on diverse Cannabis sativa genotypes

Montesano V., Marino G., Haworth M., Conte A., Danzi D., Atzori G., Daccache A., Fabbri A.P.M., Balestrini R. & Centritto M.               


Field phenotyping: remote and proximal high-throughput platforms in southern Italy

Marino G., Haworth M., Montesano V., Conte A., Danzi D., Atzori G., Daccache A., Fabbri A.P.M., Cellini F. & Centritto M


Effects of blue and red light-emitting diodes on two Cichorium intybus L. cultivars          

Menicucci F. et al.     


CRISPR/CAS9 Edited tomato plants as a tool to shed light on plant VOCs perception and stress response     

Gargiulo, S.; Palomba, F.; D’amelia, V.; Gambacorta, G.; D’esposito, D.; Cangemi, M.; Facchiano, A.; Giordano, D.; Loreto, F.; Faino, L.; Ruocco, M.; Monti, M. M.              


Are vocs involved in plant-plant communication? Preliminary genomics-to-phenomics results with a tomato TILLING population     

Palomba, F.; Gargiulo, S.; Cangemi, M.; D’esposito, D.; Faino, L.; Facchiano, A.; Giordano, D.; Petrozza, A.; Cellini, F.; Carriero, F.; Loreto, F.; Ruocco, M.; Monti, M. M. – 04d


A multi-frequency airborne SAR system for earth observations

Rosero Legarda, Jorge Andres


Development of an integrated electromagnetic sensing system for environment characterization        

Mercogliano, Francesco       


Investigate the effect of soil water depth on ozone-induced visual foliar injury              

Elena Marra*, Andrea Viviano, Jacopo Manzini, Barbara Baesso Moura, Elena Paoletti, Yasutomo Hoshika.       


FORECOMON 2024 The 11th Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Conference Monitoring for Future Forests Prague, Czech Republic 10-12 June 2024. Conference Proceedings, pag. 43


Agro-Ecological Modelling platform            

Alessandro Montaghi, Elena Paoletti, Marcello Donatelli, Dario De Nart, Davide Fanchini


Maximizing the Value of Macroalgal Data: A Semantic Integration Approach using Macroalgae Traits Thesauri

Senem Onen Tarantini, Jessica Titocci, Martina Pulieri, Angela Carluccio, Alberto Basset, Ilaria Rosati 



Investigating the variations of C and N stable isotopes in soil and different plant compartments along a latitudinal transect in urban and peri-urban Mediterranean parks             

Irene Tunno, Andrea Scartazza, Marco Micali, Carlo Calfapietra, Gabriele Guidolotti, Dario Papale

AGU Fall Meetign 2024


Monitoring of GHGs flux dynamics at the “Viote” mountain peatland (Eastern Alps, Italy) under climate change pressure             

Rubriante L., Gianelle D., Belelli Marchesini L.     



Protein-specific challenge to the ER quality control         

Taghipour Rahimi M., Luciani L., Costa E., Piccolo M., Andreotti N., Pedrazzini E.              

24th European Network of Plant Endomembrane Research (ENPER)


The herbaria of the CNR Istituto Talassografico of Taranto “A. Cerruti”: digitization and sharing activities within the DiSSCo project 

Papa L., Petrocelli A., Spada L., Cecere E.


The activities for the national network of Aquatic Science Collections (ASCs)              

Russo E., Armeli Minicante S., Cislaghi S., D’Onofrio R., Buffagni A., Camatti E., Capotondi L., Cazzola M., Cecere E., Conese I., Erba S., Ferraro L., Fontaneto D., Giordano L., Grande V., Guarneri I., Maggiore F., Papa L., Petrocelli A., Sigovini M., Spada L., Zaupa S.   


Traveling through ecosystems and biodiversity: the “Cammini LTER” initiative              

Vuolo N., Bergami C., Campanaro A., Caroppo C., D’Alelio D., Dattolo E., De Lazzari A., Denti G., Fanini L., Grasso V., L’Astorina A., Obertegger U., Oggioni A., Petrocelli A., Pugnetti A., Rogora M., Rosati I., Rubino F.


The eLTER sites Mar Piccolo in Taranto and Cabras Lagoon: progress, new activities and first results

Denti G., Acquaviva M.I., Biandolino F., Caroppo C., Casiddu P., Cecere E., Cherchi M., Giandomenico S., Lugliè A., Manca B., Padedda B.M., Parlapiano I., Pittalis C., Prato E., Pulina S., Rubino F., Satta C.T., Spada L., Stabili L., Petrocelli A.


Long-Term Ecological Research in Lake Bidighinzu: studies on trophic state, phytoplankton, future perspectives             

Padedda B.M., Buscarino P., Pulina S., Satta C.T., Casiddu P., Manca B., Cherchi M., Pittalis C., Lugliè A., Petrocelli A.


“A new IFS 125HR FTIR instrument for the measurement of trace gases over the Po Valley”

Pettinari P., Castelli E., Papandrea E., Dinelli B. M., Marinoni A., Cristofanelli P., Calzolari F., Campenni C.    


Two new FTIR instruments for the measurement of trace gases over the Po Valley              

Pettinari P., Castelli E., Papandrea E., Achilli A., Dinelli B. M., Buriola L., Marinoni A., Calzolari F., Campenni C.            


Impact of Planetary Boundary Layer at ground concentrations in the Po-Valley region 

Perfetti, F. Barnaba, A. Bellini, L. Renzi, M. Zanatta, L. Di Liberto, F. Pasqualini, A. Bracci, J. Putaud, and A. Marinoni


Physical models and AI for urban air quality monitoring with PRISMA hyperspectral data: the PRIMARY project 

Davide De Santis, Sarathchandrakumar T. Sasidharan, Marco Di Giacomo, Gianmarco Bencivenni, Fabio Del Frate, Gabriele Curci, Ana Carolina Amarillo, Francesca Barnaba, Luca Di Liberto, Ferdinando Pasqualini, Alessandro Bracci, Cristiana Bassani, Silvia Scifoni, Stefano Casadio, Alessandra Cofano, Massimo Cardaci, Daniele Latini and Giorgio Licciardi


When Paleontological and Atmospheric Sciences combine: new methods for the evaluation of emissions due to the taphonomy of organic-rich sediments      

Francesco D’Amico, Claudia Roberta Calidonna, Ivano Ammoscato, Carmine Apollaro, Luana Malacaria, Adriano Guido             



Interannual and seasonal chlorophyll variability from high resolution fluorescence time series at an eLTER site in the northern Adriatic Sea

Toller S., Riminucci F., Böhm E., Capotondi L., Correggiari A., Ravaioli M., Santoleri R., Stanghellini G., Bergami C.   


Long-Term environmental monitoring in the Northern Adriatic Sea: insights from the S1-GB and E1 fixed point observing systems 

Toller S., Riminucci F., Capotondi L., Correggiari A., Focaccia P., Stanghellini G., Ravaioli M., Bergami C.         


Deep Learning for Super-Resolution of Mediterranean Sea Surface Temperature Fields 

Fanelli, D. Ciani, A. Pisano, B. Buongiorno Nardelli


Deep learning methods for Super Resolution of satellite derived Sea Surface Temperature data over the Mediterranean Sea    

Fanelli, M. Buzzicotti, T. Li, D. Ciani, A. Pisano, B. Buongiorno Nardelli


Predicting oceanic Lagrangian trajectories with hybrid space-time CNN architecture    L.

Della Cioppa, B. Buongiorno Nardelli         


Exploring Water Mass Properties in the West Mediterranean: Insights from Glider-Based Microstructure Data

Florian Kokoszka, Katrin Schroeder, Mireno Borghini, Jacopo Chiggiato, Albert Miralles, Manuel Rubio, Mélanie Juza, Patricia Rivera Rodríguez and Nikolaos Zarokanellos 


Physical and Biogeochemical Variability in the Gulf of Taranto: Results of the PIONEER Cruise

Malek Belgacem, Florian V.M. Kokoszka, Katrin Schroeder, Jacopo Chiggiato, Giovanni Testa, Marzia Rovere, Federico Falcini, and Pioneer collaborators


The R/V Gaia Blu as an acquisition host for environmental measurements: from the installation of the instrumentation onboard, to the data center for archival and online access

Florian Kokoszka¹, Giovanna Inserra¹, Davide Vernazzani¹, Marcello Felsani¹, Katrin Schroeder², Carolina Cantoni³, Paolo Montagna⁴, Gianluca Volpe⁵ , Vittorio Brando⁵ , Davide Dionisi⁵ , and Mauro Caccavale¹ 


Linking Biodiversity And Hyperspectral Bio-OpticsFrom A Process-Based Sampling Strategy In TidalEnvironments  

Federico Falcini,Jaime Pitarch,Isa Schon, DomenicoD’Alelio, Daniele Bellardini, Pier Francesco Moretti,Mario Sprovieri, Patrick Roose



Spectral light penetration depths unveiled by BGC-Argo radiometric profiles

Giovanni La Forgia and Emanuele Organelli          



Accurate estimation of photosynthetic available radiation from multispectral downwelling irradiance profiles      

Jaime Pitarch, Edouard Leymarie, Vincenzo Vellucci, Luca Massi, Hervé Claustre, Antoine Poteau, Emanuele Organelli          



Talking about marine science: towards a more effective and lasting strategy for communication​          

Francesca Alvisi, Alessandro Gibertini, Laura Giordano, Alessandra Mercorella, Angela Pomaro,  Leone Tarozzi, Elisa Zanoni, Roberto Zonta


EarthCARE validation measurements from Italian observatories at two central Mediterranean sites

Adirosi, S. Argentini, F. Barnaba, A. Bracci, L. Di Liberto, F. Cairo, M. Campanelli, G. Casasanta, Montopoli, L. Baldini, G. L. Liberti, G. Giuliano, M. Di Paolantonio, D. Dionisi, G. Pace, F. Anello, V. Ciardini, L. De Silvestri, T. Di Iorio, A. di Sarra, P. Grigioni, F. Monteleone, S. Piacentino, C. Scarchilli, D. Sferlazzo, D. Meloni and M Picchiani




Hyper-converged Infrastructure for a new research network      

Tagliavini R., Di Macco A., Chiappini C., Corgnati L.P., Mantovani C.    


Evaluating OMA Gap-Filling Performance in Coastal HF Radar System Using Drifter Data in the Ligurian Sea       

Kokkini Z., Corgnati L. P., Griffa A., Mantovani C., Berta M., Molcard A., Sciascia R., Magaldi M. G.       


CLIMA VRE: a first demonstrator, challenges and perspectives Lagomarsino-Oneto

D., Lira-Loarca A., Sciascia R., Corgnati L. P., Mantovani C., Besio G., Magaldi M. G.         


A clustering approach to characterize ocean dispersal in non-homogeneous environments: methodology and applications     

Lagomarsino-Oneto D., De Leo A., Stocchino A., Cucco A., Merlino S., Bianucci M., Berta M., Sciascia R., Magaldi M.G.     


Testing and setting up the GUARD-1 device in different environmental conditions              

Boccacci A., Lagomarsino-Oneto D., Marini S.    


Interplay of Climate, Fishing, and Biodiversity: Risk Assessment in the Mediterranean Sea  

Pavirani L        


ITINERIS Project Management: Advancements and Challenges at CNR-ISMAR              

Giulia Bologna, Alessio Corsi, Maria Letizia Vitelletti e Laura Barbieri


AI for ocean physics forecast           

Cavaiola M., Lagomarsino-Oneto D., Magaldi M.G., Marini S.   


Does AI Help Understand the Ocean?

Lagomarsino-Oneto D., Cavaiola M., Marini S.    


The experience of the CNR-ISMAR to enhance the Natural Science Collections in the RI DiSSCo              

Armeli Minicante, E. Camatti, L. Capotondi, I. Conese, E. Di Russo, R. D’Onofrio, L. Ferraro, L. Giordano, V. Grande, I. Guarneri, F. Maggiore, S. Redolfi Bristol, Marco Sigovini


Benthic Foraminifera response to climate related sediment depositional events: insight from the S1 and L1 Northern Adriatic LTER Site

D’Onofrio,L. Ferraro, F. Francescangeli, F. Riminucci, L. Capotondi


Foraminifera Natural Science Collection: a multiyear repository of biodiversity data from the Northern Adriatic Sea           

D’Onofrio, L. Ferraro, L. Giordano, F. Riminucci, L. Capotondi


The activities for the national network of Aquatic Science Collections (ASCs) ​              

Di Russo E., Armeli Minicante S., Cislaghi S., D’Onofrio R., Buffagni A., Camatti E., Capotondi L., Cazzola M., Cecere E., Conese I., Erba S., Ferraro L., Fontaneto D., Giordano L., Grande V., Guarneri I., Maggiore F., Papa L., Petrocelli A., Sigovini M., Spada L., Zaupa S.


Marine invertebrate collections (MSCs): ​the contribution of CNR-ISMAR Venice to the progress of DiSSCo Italia​            

Di Russo E., Camatti E., Maggiore F., Sigovini M., Guarneri I.​


The activities of DiSSCo-ISMAR Working Group   

Armeli Minicante, E. Camatti, L. Capotondi, I. Conese, E. Di Russo, R. D’Onofrio, L. Ferraro, L. Giordano, V. Grande, I. Guarneri, F. Maggiore,  M. Sigovini


BUILD & DESTROY – How bioengineers act on the environment, research in the lagoon of Venice        

I.Guarneri, E. di Russo, A. Sabino, A. Bergamasco, M. Sigovini    


Exploring Water Quality Dynamics in the Po River Delta Through Multisource Optical Sensors         

Scarpa GM., Bellafiore D., Brando V.E., Bresciani M., Falcini F., Fu C., Giardino C., Manfè G., Pitarch J., Zaggia L., Braga F.      

Ocean Optics XXVI October 6-11 2024 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


Estimation of secchi disk depth based on prisma in venice lagoon, italy          

Congju, F., Scarpa, G. M., Brando, V. E., Braga, F.,             

Ocean Optics XXVI October 6-11 2024 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


Assessment of prisma water reflectance for the integration with biogeochemical models            

Braga, F., Lazzari, P., Manfè, G., Alvarez, E., Scarpa, G. M., Brando, V.E., Vilas, L. G., Ciavatta, S.           

Ocean Optics XXVI October 6-11 2024 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


Status and Development of the Italian Polar Repository

Chiara Ripa, Giulio Verazzo, Alice Cavaliere, Alberto Salvati, Antonino Principato, Mauro Mazzola, Vito Vitale       


The Italian Polar Data Repository: advancing Polar Research with FAIR Data Infrastructure

Giulio Verazzo, Alice Cavaliere, Chiara Ripa, Alberto Salvati, Antonino Principato, Mauro Mazzola, Vito Vitale 


Unlocking data potential in a virtual research environment: ERDDAP integration and machine learning for enhanced utilization of Climate Change Tower data from the Italian Arctic Data Center.             

Alice Cavaliere, Simone Pulimeno, Claudia Frangipani, Angelo Lupi, Mauro Mazzola, Chiara Ripa, Giulio Verazzo,Vito Vitale


Ten years of continuous monitoring of the EMSO shelf-slope observatory on the western margin of the Southern Adriatic   

Francesco Paladini de Mendoza, Claudio Pellegrini, Stefano Miserocchi, Katrin Schroeder, Jacopo Chiggiato, Irene Sammartino, Patrizia Giordano, Leonardo Langone




Improving the CNR-ISP Ocean Observing System in the Arctic Ocean: insights from the ITINERIS PNRR Project      

Francesco Paladini de Mendoza(1), Marco Pansera(1), Stefano Miserocchi(2), Maurizio Azzaro(1), Leonardo Langone(2), Federico Giglio(2), Patrizia Giordano(2), Giulio Verazzo(2), Francesco Filiciotto(1), Virginia Sciacca(1), Angelina Lo Giudice(1), FrancoDecembrini(1), Francesco Smedile(1), Maria Papale(1), Vito Vitale(2), Manuel Bensi(3)



The EMSO-ERIC marine observing system in the southern Adriatic Sea: 13-years of uninterrupted oceanographic measurements with moorings BB and FF      

Francesco Paladini de Mendoza(1), Leonardo Langone(2), Vanessa Cardin(3), Patrizia Giordano(2), Giulio Verazzo(2), Francesco Filiciotto(1), Stefano Miserocchi(2)

Enhancing arctic dataset quality and accessibility: integration with ERDDAP and advanced QA methods using statistical techniques and machine learning    

Alice Cavaliere, Claudia Frangipani, Angelo Lupi, Mauro Mazzola,Simone Pulimento, Chiara Ripa, Giluio Verazzo, Vito Vitale


eScience solutions to address the known unknowns of invasion biology         

Di Muri, Cristina; Arvanitidis, Christos; Basset, Alberto 



The diversity of semantic artefacts in ecology and environmental sciences: unveiling the variety of approaches to semantic interoperability            

Di Muri, Cristina; Pulieri, Martina; Raho, Davide; Muresan, Alexandra N.; Tarallo, Andrea; Titocci, Jessica; Nestola, Enrica; Basset, Alberto; Rosati, Ilaria



Access to facilities, FAIR data and related services: the ITINERIS project         

Cornacchia, C. and Rosati, I.            



Preliminary results of Cymodocea nodosa (Tracheophyta, Alismatales) monitoring in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (southern Italy, Mediterranean Sea) through in situ data and satellite images      

Denti G., Petrocelli A.,  Cecere E., Rubino F., Fanelli G., Richiardi C., Adamo M.P.               


Phenological monitoring of Cymodocea nodosa (Tracheophyta, Alismatales) in the transitional system “Mar Piccolo of Taranto” for the detection of anthropogenic impact

Petrocelli A., Cecere E., Fanelli G., Rubino F., Denti G.   

Application of smart samplers and particle counters to determine spatial and temporal variability of PM composition, size distribution, and oxidative potential in South Italy 

Merico, M. Conte, F. Unga, D. Cesari, A. Dinoi, S. Potì, M.R. Guascito, A.R. De Bartolomeo, A. Carlino, A. Pennetta, G.E. De Benedetto, R. Ferrera; E. Bompadre, D. Contini

European Aerosol Conference EAC2023


Long-term analysis of carbonaceous fractions of particulate in an ACTRIS research infrastructure in Southern Italy  

Merico, D. Cesari, A. Dinoi, S. Potì, F. Unga, D. Contini

European Aerosol Conference EAC2023


Systematic atmospheric observations greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4) and CO at a coastal site in the South Italy           

Luana Malacaria, Teresa Lo Feudo, Daniel Gullì, Domenico Parise, Salvatore Sinopoli, Ivano Ammoscato, Claudia Roberta Calidonna, Elenio Avolio, Mariafrancesca De Pino, Paolo Cristofanelli         

Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (5th Edition) upcoming (https://link.springer.com/conference/emcei)


Climate change and forest fires of summer seasons (2017-2021) in the Southern Italy: a preliminary analysis

Domenico Parise, Luana Malacaria, Claudia Roberta Calidonna, Daniel Gulli, Ivano Ammoscato, Salvatore Sinopoli, Paolo Cristofanelli, Teresa Lo Feudo, Elenio Avolio, Mariafrancesca De Pino       

Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (5th Edition) upcoming (https://link.springer.com/conference/emcei)

Integrated geophysical approaches for geo-hazards evaluation in urban areas: first activities in urban pilot sites of Basilicata region (southern Italy); 


Valeria Giampaolo, Gregory De Martino, Maria Rosaria Gallipoli, Giovanni Gangone, Luigi Martino, Angela Perrone, Vincenzo Serlenga, Tony Alfredo Stabile, and Vincenzo Lapenna

Urban geophysics, seismic data, ITINERIS


Lidar system upgrade at Atmospheric Rome joinT supersitE (ARTE);   

Giovanni Giuliano, Davide Dionisi, Marco Di Paolantonio, Gian Luigi Liberti;

31st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), 23-28 June 2024, Landshut, Germany.

ACTRIS, Aerosol Remote Sensing, LIDAR2024.


43rd CIESM Congress, 14-18 October 2024, Palermo, Italy;

Simona Armeli Minicante, Elisa Camatti, Roberta D’Onofrio, Irene Guarneri and Laura Giordano;

Biodiversity, Mediterranean Sea, Instruments and tech, Worldwide.


Roberta D’Onofrio, Luciana Ferraro , Fabio Francescangeli , Francesco Riminucci and Lucilla Capotondi;

43rd CIESM Congress, 14-18 October 2024, Palermo, Italy;

Adriatic Sea, Biodiversity, Sediment transport, Foraminifera.


43rd CIESM Congress, 14-18 October 2024, Palermo, Italy;

Edoardo Di Russo, Irene Guarneri, Marco Sigovini, Andrea Sabino, Francesca Maggiore Zoobenthos, Gulf of Venice, Biodiversity, Crustacea, Mollusca


Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar and Electromagnetic Technologies of the Italian earth observation platform ITINERIS.          

Catapano, Ilaria; Barone, Andrea; Berardino, Paolo; Bernini, Romeo; Esposito, Carmen; Mercogliano, Francesco; Natale, Antonio; Perna, Stefano; Rosero Legarda, Jorge Andres; Tizzani, Pietro; Lanari, Riccardo; Soldovieri, Francesco              



Non-destructive surveys via microwave tomography enhanced multichannel GPR    

Soldovieri, Francesco; Gennarelli, Gianluca; Esposito, Giuseppe; Ludeno, Giovanni; Catapano, Ilaria  



Monitoring volcanic areas through the IREA-CNR airborne SAR infrastructure              

Natale, Antonio; Berardino, Paolo; Di Vincenzo, Alessando; Esposito, Carmen; Lanari, Riccardo;  Perna, Stefano  



Testing drone-based and magnetic geophysical instrumentation at the Altopiano di Verteglia (Southern Italy) test site            

Mercogliano, Francesco; Barone, Andrea; Accomando, Filippo; Esposito, Giuseppe; Vitale Andrea; Bonfante, Antonello; Buonanno, Maurizio; De Novellis, Enzo; Castaldo, Raffaele; Solaro, Giuseppe; Gennarelli, Gianluca; Pepe, Susi; Tizzani, Pietro; Catapano, Ilaria


Adopting operational synergies for the study and integrated management of invasive alien species           

Di Muri, C; Azzurro, E; Strafella, P; Rosati, I.          



Bird consumption by the giant noctule in the Northern Apennines determined by DNA barcoding on prey rests            

Vergari, S., Bertonelli, S.; Ancillotto, L.; Mori, E.; Monti, F.; Viviano, A.; Vergari, S. Dondini, G.



Camera-traps and the city: behavioural ecology of wild mammals in urban areas.               

Mori ,E.; Maggioni M.; Guerri G.; Morabito M.; Viviano A.; Martini S.; Dondina O.; Lazzeri L.; Monti F.; Sogliani D.; Scarfò M.; Zaccaroni M.; Ancillotto L. 



Enhancing biodiversity conservation analysis through data harmonization     

Monti, F.; Shokri, M.; Semeraro, T.; Titocci, J.; Liberatore, L.; Basset, A.             



Harnessing FAIR biodiversity data and services to assess incidence and habitat vulnerability to non-indigenous species in Italy 

Di Muri Cristina, Radoux Julien, Teixeira Heliana, De Leo Francesco, Rosati Ilaria, Basset Alberto          



Marini da Nord: monitoring changes in abundance and distribution of Atlantic seabirds wintering in Italian seas using a citizen science approach      

Monti, F.; Balestrieri, R.; Mori, E.; Campioni, L.    



Mining social networks to track the irruption of a boreal seabird in the Mediterranean

Monti F.; Mori E.; Viviano A.; Vento R.; Minichino A.; Murano, C.; Casotti R.; Campioni L.; Tiralongo F.; Balestrieri R.     



Unveiling the main trends of change for the Italian biodiversity: a systematic review approach        

Stefani, F.; Mammola, S.; Ancillotto, L.; Azzurro, E.; Biondo, G.; Bongiorni, L.; Brachetti, L.; Brambilla, M.; Calì, F.; Chiarucci, A.; Cianferoni, F.; Colangelo, P.; D’Amen, M.; Di Lorenzo, T.; Domenici, P.; Fanelli, E.; Fruciano, C.; Giangrande, A.; Gobbi, M; Gravili, C.; Lo Giudice, A.; Monti, F.; Morganti, M.; Mori, E.; Pollegioni, P.; Rosati, I.; Sogliani, D.; Valle, B.; Fontaneto, D.   



Biodiversity and Ecological Resilience of Quercus robur (L.) in the Castelporziano Presidential Estate (Roma, Italy): Past, Present and Future         

Nour Zaher, Dario Papale, Paolo De Angelis, Elena Kuzminsky  


Biodiversity changes in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (southern Italy, Mediterranean Sea): alien species    Caroppo C., Cecere E., Denti G., Biandolino F., Parlapiano I., Prato E., Portacci G., Petrocelli A.  


Contenuto lipidico e profilo di acidi grassi di due alghe rosse invasive Hypnea corona (Rhodophyta Gigartinales) e Grateloupia turuturu (Rhodophyta, Halymeniales) per la potenziale valorizzazione della biomassa             

Biandolino F., Prato E., Cecere E., Petrocelli A.              

Non serve la sfera di cristallo: ruolo dei dati “long-term” nella previsione del destino delle macroalghe aliene nel Mar Piccolo di Taranto        Petrocelli A., Denti G., Ricci P., Cecere E.        


Long term monitoring activities to investigate the colonization dynamics of non-indigenous seaweeds in transitional waters          

Denti G., Ricci P., Cecere E., Petrocelli A.   


The importance of herbaria in long-term research: contribution of the DiSSCo infrastructure to their valorization             

Papa L., Spada L., Petrocelli A., Cecere E.        


Grateloupia minima (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta): new insights on its distribution along the Italian coasts            

Wolf M.A., Sciuto K., La Rocca B., Petrocelli A., Cecere E., Sfriso A.    


Digitization of algal collections at CNR-IRSA Taranto: an example of long term data enhancement  

Papa L., Spada L., Petrocelli A., Cecere E.


Active and resting harmful dinoflagellates in the highly productive mussel culture area of the Mar Piccolo (northern Ionian Sea) 

 Caroppo C., Denti G., Rubino F.              

Effects of experimental heatwaves on plankton communities from different Mediterranean aquatic ecosystems           

 Cherci M., Padedda B.M., Di Cesare A., Allemanno F., Casiddu P., Kamburska L., Lugliè A., Manca B., Piscia R., Pittalis C., Rosati I., Sabatino R., Satta C.T., Titocci J., Pulina S. 


Warming effects on plankton communities from Mediterranean freshwater and coastal lagoon ecosystems

Pittalis C., Pulina S., Di Cesare A., Allemanno F., Casiddu P., Cherchi M., Kamburka L., Lugliè A., Manca B., Piscia R., Rosati I., Sabatino R., Satta C.T., Titocci J., Padedda B.M.  


Digitization, barcoding and microscope slides: coupling old-fashioned and innovative habits for biodiversity studies  

Cislaghi S., Cardoni S., Cazzola M., Erba S., Buffagni A.


New meets old: an integrated approach for Ephemeroptera biodiversity studies combining digital imaging, DNA barcoding and microscope slides       

Cislaghi S., Cardoni S., Cazzola M., Erba S., Fabrizio S., Buffagni A.



Sarathchandrakumar T. Sasidharan, Davide De Santis, Marco Di Giacomo, Gianmarco Bencivenni, Fabio Del Frate, Gabriele Curci, Ana Carolina Amarillo, Francesca Barnaba, Luca Di Liberto, Ferdinando Pasqualini, Cristiana Bassani, Silvia Scifoni, Stefano Casadio, Alessandra Cofano, Massimo Cardaci, Giorgio Licciardi          



Davide De Santis, Sarathchandrakumar T. Sasidharan, Marco Di Giacomo, Gianmarco Bencivenni, Fabio Del Frate, Gabriele Curci, Ana Carolina Amarillo, Francesca Barnaba, Luca Di Liberto, Ferdinando Pasqualini, Cristiana Bassani, Silvia Scifoni, Stefano Casadio, Alessandra Cofano, Massimo Cardaci, Giorgio Licciardi,


Evaluating the Performance of Volcanic Ash Dispersion Models Using Remote Sensing and in-situ instruments from Mount Etna Eruptions

Giuseppe Giammello, Alessandro Bracci, Franco Colombo, Ferdinando Pasqualini, Francesca Barnaba, Elisa Adirosi, Luca Di Liberto, Mauro Coltelli              


Carbonio organico solubile in acqua in particolato atmosferico: metodi di misura a confronto    

Pennetta, E. Bloise, G. Deluca, E. Merico, D. Cesari, F. Unga, S. Potì, A. Dinoi, D. Contini

Convegno Nazionale PM2024


Variabilità spaziale e temporale del PM e della sua tossicità nell’area di Lecce              

Potì, E. Merico, M. Conte, F. Unga, D. Cesari, A. Dinoi, M.R. Guascito, A.R. De Bartolomeo, A. Carlino, A. Pennetta, E. Bloise, G.E. De Benedetto, R. Ferrera, E. Bompadre, D. Contini

Convegno Nazionale PM2024


Caratterizzazione del PM2.5 e del suo potenziale ossidativo in tre aree del Sud Italia   

Cesari, C. Mapelli, A. Dinoi, D. Chirizzi, A. Pennetta, G. Deluca, G. De Benedetto, D. Contini

Convegno Nazionale PM2024


Evoluzione settimanale e stagionale delle proprietà di assorbimento dell’aerosol e la loro associazione con le concentrazioni di PM2.5 e NO2 in un sito del sud-est Italia


Peccarrisi, S. Romano, M. Fragola, A. Buccolieri, G. Ǫuarta, L. Calcagnile

Convegno Nazionale PM2024


Determination of aerosol composition by ED-XRF on Teflon and quartz substrates: potentialities and limits            

Unga, G. Calzolai, M. Chiari, E. Cuccia, C. Colombi, M. Franciosa, A. Dinoi, E. Merico, A. Pennetta, N. Gomez Sánchez, C. Mapelli, S. Pareti, C. Perrino, E. Yubero, D. Contini

European Aerosol Conference EAC2024


Interannual and seasonal Chlorophyll variability from high resolution fluorescence time series (2012-2022) at an eLTER site in the Northern Adriatic Sea     




Taxonomic Identification of European Seahorse H. Guttulatus and H. Hippocampus Based on Machine Learning Techniques 

Spoto, M., Lagomarsino-Oneto, D., Gristina, M., Marini, S., Pierri, C., Rinaldi, A., Cavaiola, M.,



Investigating the Dispersion Processes Contributing to the Displacement of Marine Plastic Litter Through Coastal Systems Using Drifter Release Experiments and Lagrangian Tools

Grande, D., Lagomarsino-Oneto, D., Guarnieri, A., Merlino, S., Bianucci, M., Paterni, M., Locritani, M. Delrosso, D.        



Intermittent supply of North Adriatic Dense Water to the deep South Adriatic Pit through gravity currents: an observational study

Le Meur, J., Wirth, A., Paladini de Mendoza, F., Miserocchi, S., and Cardin, V.

https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8543, 2024.

Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotopes comparison in urban ecosystems along a Mediterranean latitudinal transect.

Irene Tunno, Andrea Scartazza, Marco Micali, Carlo Calfapietra, Gabriele Guidolotti, Dario Papale


Ecosystem Risk Assessment through Stressor Concurrency Identification: A Comparative Analysis.          

Pavirani, L., Bove, P., Coro, G.

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