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WP2: Access to facilities, fair data and related services

WP Leader:Carmela Cornacchia (CNR – Istituto di Metodologia per l’Analisi Ambientale)

WP2 will establish the ITINERIS HUB for access to data and services. It will connect the established system of distributed national environmental research infrastructures to a user community that is meant to be as wide as possible. Following a user-centric approach, and in keeping with the RIs’ network technical capability and mission, access services to the national RIs’ facilities and FAIR resources (data, services and other research outputs) developed in the WP4-WP8 will be established. Through WP2, the project aims to design and implement a comprehensive suite of methodologies, protocols, and standards. These tools will not only facilitate access to multidisciplinary services and data but also empower all national environmental RIs, particularly those in less mature communities, enhance access management and FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).

Major Objectives

  • Networking and harmonisation of National Environmental RIs to build a community around a central HUB enabling access to the environmental data of distributed national RIs;
  • Definition of a common framework for Access Provision and implementation of a single entry point to the whole national network of environmental RIs and to their facilities, resources and knowledge to reinforce the national contribution to scientific excellence in Europe;
  • Encourage the application of FAIR principle to support the advancing cross-disciplinary research through environmental domains.